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pulse by pulse

ysladmin 2024-06-05
pulse by pulse       pulse by pulse是一个非常复杂和重要的话题,需要深入研究和思考。我将尽力为您提供相关的信息和建议。1.脉冲追踪法试验的具体原理和操作步骤?2.一个
pulse by pulse

       pulse by pulse是一个非常复杂和重要的话题,需要深入研究和思考。我将尽力为您提供相关的信息和建议。


2.一个月加一个永 是什么字?


pulse by pulse


       In biochemistry and molecular biology, a pulse-chase analysis is a method for examining a cellular process occurring over time by successively exposing the cells to a labeled compound (pulse) and then to the same compound in an unlabeled form (chase).


       --- Starve the cells--- Pulse chase with 35-S-Met or Lue for 5-30 min.--- Chase with “cold” Met or Lue.--- By the end of pulse (0 time), collect samples in a time course, lyse the cells, perform immunoprecipitation and autoradiography.


一个月加一个永 是什么字?


       1."In radar, the signals used are pulses."



        Electroencephalography: Technique for recording electrical activity in the Brain, whose cells emit distinct patterns of rhythmic electrical impulses."


       3."Impulses travel along the central auditory pathway from the cochlear nerve to the medulla to the cerebral cortex. Hearing may be impaired by disease, injury, or old age; some disorders, including deafness, may be congenital. "


       4."It is transmitted as electrical pulses of varied lengths or analogous mechanical or visual signals, such as flashing lights."


       5."It works by converting the sound waves of the human voice to pulses of electrical current, transmitting the current, and then retranslating the current Back to sound."




       中文解释 - 英文翻译




       部首:月 部外笔画:5 总笔画:9

       五笔86:EYNI 五笔98:EYNI 仓颉:BINE

       笔顺编号:351145534 四角号码:73292 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+8109













       同本义 [arteries and veins]







       指事物如血管连贯有条理者 [vein]





       脉搏 [pulse]。心脏收缩时,由于输出血液的冲击引起动脉的跳动





       地下水 [underground water]。如:脉发(脉起。春暖地温回升,地下水蒸发,滋润土壤使之冒起,为春耕的良时);脉散(水道分流)


       血统、宗派等相承的系统 [system]。如:一脉相传



       号脉,按脉诊病 [feel sb.'s pulse]





       另见 mò


       脉、衇 mò


       另见 mài



       脉案 mài’àn

       [medical record] 中医的诊断记录,一般写在处方上


       脉搏 màibó




       动脉的搏动,健康成年人安静时每分钟 70—75 次





       脉冲 màichōng

       [impulse;pulse] 电流、电压或某些其他物理量的瞬态改变


       脉动 màidòng

       [pulsation] 像脉搏那样地周期运动或变化


       脉口 màikǒu

       [the area on the wrist over the radial artery where the pulse is felt for dignosis] 即寸口。《灵枢·终始》:“持其脉口,人迎,以知阴阳有余不足,平与不平,……”


       脉络 màiluò


       [a general name for arteries and veins]∶中医对动脉和静脉的统称


       [sequence of ideas;thread of thoughts]∶比喻条理或头绪




       脉门 màimén

       [pulse] 脉口。中医切脉部位名。拇指根部半寸处


       脉石 màishí

       [gangue;veinstone] 无用的岩石或尾矿,其中含有用金属或矿物


       脉息 màixī

       [pulse] 脉搏所表露的信息


       脉象 màixiàng

       [pulse condition;type of pulse] 中医指脉搏的快慢、强弱、深浅的情况


       脉压 màiyā

       [pulse pressure] 收缩压与舒张压之差


       脉诊 màizhěn

       [diagonsis by feeling the pulse] 中医通过切脉来诊断疾病的方法


       脉脉 mòmò

       [affectionately] 默默地用眼神或行动表达情意。也用以形容水没有声音、好像深含感情的样子





       繁体字:脉 异体字:衇眽

       汉字首尾分解:月永 汉字部件分解:月永



       Bag dust collector, working mechanism is dusty smoke through the filter material, dust is filtered off, trapping coarse dust filter material mainly rely on the inertia collision, the capture of fine dust mainly by diffusion and the screening effect, the dust filter layer also has some filtering effect.


       Filter material

       JDMC series pulse long bag dust collector Product Brief

       Performance characteristics

       The main factors affect the life of dust bag jam

       Dust filter bag.

       Bag of aging

       Filter material

       JDMC series pulse long bag dust collector Product Brief

       Performance characteristics

       The main factors affect the life of dust bag jam

       Dust filter bag.

       Bag of aging

       Expansion edit this section filter

       Bag filter dust removal efficiency is related with many factors, but mainly depends on the filter. Bag filter dust collector is a synthetic fiber, natural fiber or glass fiber woven fabric or felt. According to the needs of the cloth or felt sewn into a cylinder or flat-shaped bag. According to the flue gas properties, select suitable application conditions of media. Usually, the temperature of the flue gas is lower than 120 DEG C, demand media with acid resistance and durability of the cases, often choose polyester cloth and polyester needled felt; in dealing with high temperature fume ( < 250 degrees C ), mainly uses the graphitization of glass cloth; in some special cases, selection of carbon fiber and other media. In need of coal stone condition also need explosion proof antistatic treatment, the dust bag bag must choose the static-free silk fabric.

       Pulse bag dust collector of single ( 2 ) operation of bag dust filter in the control of flue gas through the filter speed ( called the filtration speed ) is very important. General admission filter speed is 0.5 2m / min, for more than 0.1? m particulate efficiency can reach more than 99%, equipment resistance loss of approximately 980 - I470Pa.

       Editor this paragraph of JDMC series pulse long bag dust collector

       Bag dust collector is subdivided into more variety, today I will introduce a kind of

       Product brief introduction

       JDMC series pulse long bag dust collector is the company engineering and technical personnel in the injection pulse ( jet pulse ) except for bag dust collector

       Based on the technology of dust, and to meet the wind volume of flue gas purification needs of low pressure pulse bag dust collector. It has not only than the sail cloth bag dust remover deashing ability, high dust removal efficiency, emission concentration is low, but also has stable and reliable, low gas consumption, covers an area of small features, particularly suitable for processing large amount of flue gas . JDMC series low-voltage long bag pulse filter in the world has been widely used, in foreign countries also has a large number of use, promotion, and can be widely used in cement, metallurgy, petrochemical, building materials, food, machinery, electric power, carbon black, garbage, industrial furnace high temperature dust gas purification and dust-shaped materials recovery. This product is integrated sectional reverse blow and pulse cleaning dust remover has the advantages of two types, overcame sectional reverse blow ash strength is insufficient and the general pulse cleaning dust attached such shortcomings, the cleaning efficiency, injection frequency is greatly reduced. The use of the product drowned pulse valve, reducing the blowing air pressure and energy consumption of equipment in operation, prolongs the service life of the valve bag filter, pulse, comprehensive technical performance in improving.

       Performance characteristics

       The novel design, the air intake structure, coarse particles of a high temperature falls into the ash hopper directly, effectively protects the filter bag. Use of long bag, under the same processing power equipment covers an area of small, more convenient for the transformation of the old factory. Use divided chamber off-line cleaning, high efficiency, two times less dust adsorption, and effectively reducing the energy consumption of the equipment, the filter bag with a pulse valve fatigue degree is reduced accordingly, increase the filter and valve life, reduce the number of equipment operation and maintenance costs. The maintenance for bag can not stop system fan, the normal operation of the system under the conditions of divided chamber. The bag mouth adopts a spring tensioning structure, convenient disassembly and assembly, good sealing performance. The box body through the gas tightness design, and kerosene leak detection, maximum extent possible to reduce air leakage. The whole device by the PLC machine control, automatic cleaning, unloading, automatic temperature control and temperature n. There are many include a variety of dust removal equipment please visit:

       Editor this paragraph the main factors affect the life

       Effects of dust bag using the main factors of service life of the bag is prolonged life matters needing attention:

       Dust bag jam

       The bag is blocked, so that the resistance can be increased, by the differential pressure gauge readings increased performance. The bag plug is caused by wear, perforation, bag off phenomenon. The cause of blockage caused by dust bag, press table check and repair. General to take the following measures : 1 temporarily the dust bag, in order to eliminate clogging; partial or total replacement of the bag; the adjustment of the mounting and operating conditions. To prevent dust bag plugging measures

       The phenomenon of examination contents and measures

       Wet dust collector bag box section water leakage eliminating water leakage, drying, repeated cleaning

       Dust damp identifying causes of elimination of causes, repair

       Bag insufficient tension adjustment, repair method of hanging

       Identifying the causes of lower blocking bag adjustment, repair

       Bag mounting bad installation method adjustment, repair

       Ash cleaning in 1, hopper is sealed

       In 2, the cleaning mechanism of fault

       In 3, the reverse blowing volume

       In 4, a spray pressure of insufficient adjustment, repair

       Identifying the cause of change of bag bag contraction

       Filtration rate too high air volume adjustment

       Dust filter bag.

       Bag shape and bag installation method and mechanism determines the bag easily damaged position, and can check and repair. But mainly consists of the following causes bag breakage, such as occurrence breakage phenomenon can refer to the following table are examined: Reason Reasons measures

       Dust cleaning cycle is too long to adjust, shorten the aging identification and elimination of the causes

       Cleaning time adjustment, shorten the bag because of heat hardens the identification and elimination of the causes

       Insufficient tension adjustment, strengthen burn bag to study bag material

       The bag is too slack adjustment leakage dust identification and elimination of the causes

       Bag mounting bad adjustment, strengthening high filter speed adjustment to reduce

       Bag of aging

       Mainly because of the following reasons caused by, be cause investigation, take measures to eliminate and replace the filter bag. 1, because of abnormal high temperature and hardening contraction; 2, with acid, alkali or organic solvent vapor exposure response; 3, and water reaction. 4, filter cloth is hung too loose or too tight, too easy to dust, too easy to pull bad. In 5, the new technology of old bags should not be mixed, to avoid damaging the time different effects of dust removal equipment normal work. 6, replace the bag, first with compressed air blowing net, and then check whether the holes, holes for replacement after repair. As dust covered cloth bag, water washing, drying for replacement.




       JDMC 系列脉冲长布袋除尘器产品简介






       JDMC 系列脉冲长布袋除尘器 产品简介


       影响寿命的主要因素 除尘布袋的堵塞



       展开 编辑本段滤料

       布袋除尘器除尘效果的优劣与多种因素有关,但主要取决于滤料。布袋除尘器的滤料就是合成纤维、天然纤维或玻璃纤维织成的布或毡。根据需要再把布或毡缝成圆筒或扁平形滤袋。根据烟气性质,选择出适合于应用条件的滤料。通常,在烟气温度低于120℃,要求滤料具有耐酸性和耐久性的情况下,常选用涤纶绒布和涤纶针刺毡;在处理高温烟气(<250℃)时,主要选用石墨化玻璃丝布;在某些特殊情况下,选用炭素纤维滤料等。在需要煤铁石工况下还 需要防爆防静电处理,那除尘布袋布袋就要选择防静电丝的滤料.

       脉冲单机布袋除尘器图册(2张)  布袋除尘器运行中控制烟气通过滤料的速度(称为过滤速度)颇为重要。一般取过滤速度为0.5—2m/min,对于大于0.1?m的微粒效率可达99%以上,设备阻力损失约为980—I470Pa 。

       编辑本段JDMC 系列脉冲长布袋除尘器



       JDMC 系列脉冲长布袋除尘器是该公司工程技术人员在喷吹脉冲( jet pulse )除 布袋除尘器

       尘技术的基础上,并为满足大风量烟气净化需要而研制的低压脉冲袋除尘器。它不但具有比帆布袋除尘器的清灰能力强、除尘效率高、排放浓度低等优点,还具有稳定可靠、耗气量低、占地面积小的特点,特别适合处理大风量烟气 .JDMC 系列低压长袋脉冲除尘器已在世界范围内得到广泛应用,在国外也已大量使用、推广,可广泛应用于水泥、冶金、石化、建材、粮食、机械、碳黑、电力、垃圾焚烧、工业窑炉等常温或高温含尘气体的净化及粉尘状物料的回收。 该产品综合了分室反吹和脉冲清灰两类除尘器的优点,克服了分室反吹清灰强度不足和一般脉冲清灰粉尘再附等缺点,使清灰效率提高,喷吹频率大为降低。该产品使用淹没式脉冲阀,降低了喷吹气源压力和设备运行能耗,延长了滤袋、脉冲阀的使用寿命,综合技术性能大在提高。


       ●设计新颖,采用了进气结构,较粗的高温颗粒直接落入灰斗,有效的保护了滤袋。 ●采用长滤袋,在同等处理能力时设备占地面积少,更便于老厂改造。 ●采用分室分离线清灰,效率高,粉尘的二次吸附少,同时有效的降低了设备能耗,滤袋与脉冲阀的疲劳程度也相应降低,成倍地提高了滤袋和阀片的寿命,大量减少了设备运行维护的费用。 ●检修换袋可在不停系统风机,系统正常运行的条件下分室进行。 ●滤袋袋口采用弹簧涨紧结构,拆装方便,具有良好的密封性。 ●箱体经过气密性设计,并以煤油检漏,最大程度上减少漏风。 ●整台设备由 PLC 机控制,实现自动清灰、卸灰、自动温度控制及超温报幕。 还有很多 包括各种除尘器 除尘设备请访问:


       影响除尘布袋使用寿命的主要因素 延长布袋寿命的注意事项:


       布袋发生堵塞时,使阻力增高,可由压差计的读数增大表现出来。布袋堵塞是引起布袋磨损、穿孔、脱落等现象的主要原因。 引起除尘布袋堵塞的原因,按下表进行检查并维修。一般采取下列措施: ①暂时地加强清灰,以消除布袋的堵塞; ②部分或全部更换布袋; ③调整安装和运行条件。 防止除尘布袋堵塞的措施

       现象 检查内容 措施

       布袋淋湿 除尘器箱体等部分漏水 消除漏水、干燥、 反复清灰

       粉尘潮湿 查明原因 消除根源、维修

       布袋张力不足 悬挂方法 调整、维修

       布袋下部堵塞 查明原因 调整、维修

       布袋安装不良 安装方法 调整、维修

       清灰不良 1、灰斗不密封



       4、喷吹压力不足 调整、维修

       布袋收缩 查明原因 换袋

       滤速过高 风量 调整


       布袋的形状和布袋的安装方法与机构决定布袋容易破损的位置,依此可以进行检查和维修。但主要由下列原因引起布袋破损,如发生破损现象可参考下表进行检查: 原因 措施 原因 措施

       清灰周期过长 调整、缩短 滤袋老化 查明并消除原因

       清灰时间过长 调整、缩短 滤袋因热变硬 查明并消除原因

       布袋张力不足 调整、加强 烧毁 重新研究滤袋材料

       布袋过于松弛 调整 漏泄粉尘 查明并消除原因

       布袋安装不良 调整、加固 滤速过高 调整减小


       主要由于以下原因引起的,须进行原因调查,采取消除措施并更换除尘滤袋。 1、因异常高温而硬化收缩; 2、因与酸、碱或有机溶剂的蒸气接触反应; 3、与水分发生反应。 4、滤布不宜挂得过松或过紧,过松容易积尘,过紧容易拉坏。 5、新工艺旧布袋不应混装,避免损坏时间不同影响除尘设备正常工作。 6、更换下来的布袋,先用压缩空气吹净,再检查有无破洞,有破洞修好后留待更换。如被粉尘糊住的布袋,用水冲洗,凉干后留待更换。


       好了,关于“pulse by pulse”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“pulse by pulse”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。