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business activity_business activity statement

佚名 2024-05-17
business activity_business activity statement

       接下来,我将为大家详细解析一下business activity的问题,希望我的回答可以解决大家的疑惑。下面,让我们来探讨一下business activity的话题。

1.business activity

2.activity 怎么读

business activity_business activity statement

business activity

       The expression in English, commonly used in the Business Activities, is usually called Business English.Our country has integrated into the international lives to a much broader areas and a deeper level since we entred the WTO. And our counrty's foreign economic strategy is transforming from "export oriented" to the "global management", which means to exert new requirements to the business talents. That's to say, they should not only master the professional knowledge and be proficient in English, but also have a good command of the international rules and be good at cultural communication. Instead of just possesssing the traditional sense of the foreign trade English, modern business English should develop itself into a complete English system of the basic knowledge of the international business , including export trade, finance, management, travel, economic business, business manners, intercultural communication and so on.


activity 怎么读

       Politeness is a sign of human civilization and an important yardstick of human activity.As a social activity, language activities are also subject to the constraints of this criterion.Courtesy is a good and cooperation relationship between the premise.Especially business activity , only built a good relationship could be reached cooperation before.If you lack of a stable and harmonious interpersonal and cooperation relationships in the business communication,commercial activity will carry out difficultly. Therefore, in business activities, note cursory is a important guarantee of smooth business activities.Use Business English to convey business theory and practice information , it has extremely professional vocabulary , formal stylistic norms, the statement simple and neat and many polite sociability.Write business letters should be noted that the application of the principles of the Polite, the relationship between courtesy of principles and words' moral.This article discussed from advantages and disadvantages of politeness principle in the application of the business english,to illustrate the importance of politeness principle in the application of the business english.


       activity 怎么读如下:

       activity的读音为英 [?k?t?v?ti] 美 [?k?t?v?ti] 。具体释义如下:

       activity 英 [?k?t?v?ti] 美 [?k?t?v?ti]?

       名词 n. 活动;活跃,敏捷;活动力;教育活动





       3、复数形式的acticities有“活动(范围)”的意思,如social activities,school activities和human activities等。

       4、也可以单数形式出现,如social?activity和business?activity,但是比较少见a social?activity。



       full of activity很热闹

       level of activity


       criminal activity


       physical activity


       extra-curricular activity




       We love outdoor activity.


       2、用作及物动词 (vt.)

       Busking is a fun activity for the performer.


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