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tamoadmin 2024-09-06
1.牛津小学六年级英语第六单元课文2.急求牛津8a词组!3.A day in the life of whizz-kid Wendy 牛津上海版 原文~ 今天英



3.A day in the life of whizz-kid Wendy 牛津上海版 原文~ 今天英语书忘在学校里了。


5.求高一牛津英语第一课的reading《school life》全文



at shool牛津树_atschool牛津树绘本

我是一个初中生。我爱去上学。我的学校离我家很近,所以我总是步行去学校在上午8点开始上课,我很少迟到。我最喜欢的科目是地理。我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方。上午去。我们通常学习中文。数学和英语。我们上午9:50休息下午当铃声响起。我和我最好的朋友汤姆和杰克我们经常玩游戏的操场。断端在上午10:10是很短的!午餐时间从上午11:50 12:30下午课3:30结束之后,杰克和汤姆,我参加了学校的乐队练习。我们一起做出伟大的音乐。在学校我总是有一个好的时间。



The first day at school

第一单元 在学校的第一天

A Read and sayA


It is the day of the new term.All the students are back at school.


They are hy to see each other again.


Glad to see you.Helen and Mike.Glad to see you.


Look,there's a new building.


Yes,there are a lot of rooms in it.


How many classrooms are there?There are twenty-four.


There are twenty-four


Is there a sports hall? No.there isn't.


No.there isn't


Are there any reading rooms in the building?


I'm not sure.Let's go and see.


Look at the boticeboard.


There are two reading rooms


Is there a table tennis room?


Let me see.Yes,there is.It's on the first floor.


Are there any computer rooms?


Yes,there are.They're on the second floor.


Let's go and he a look.


B Look,read and learn

B 看,读并学

a toilet 一间盥洗室

a garden 一个花园

a table tennis room 一间桌球室

a sports hall 一个体育馆

a reading room 一间阅读室

a swing 一个秋千

a slide 一个滑梯

a see-saw 看

E Read and act

E 读并扮演

Is there a park near your house?


Yes,It's a small one.but there are a lot of flowers and trees.


Are there any swings?Yes,And there's a slide,too.

这里有秋千吗? 是的,并且这里也有滑梯。

Shall we go and play there?Good idea.


G Listen and repeat

G 听并重复

cake 蛋糕 grape 葡萄 plate 盘子 table 桌子

On the table,there are some cakes and grapes on the plate.


H Sing a song Two jackets

H 唱一首歌 两件短上衣

sorry,歌找不到!这样,可以吗? 可以就给点分吧



UNIT6 is in 08:30 in the morning on Saturday , children are not at school today Did calls GaoShan,they discuss plan on the weekend in course of You you are fond of being a high mountain well? Talk yes, please You intend to go to today why? This afternoon I and father intend to go to watch a Beijing opera Are you interested in? Yes, I am interested in we meet in garden theatre entrance at 01:30? What do you will intend to go to tomorrow do under asking about well passingly? Will he a concert to depend on school tomorrow, I will go to play the violin well Nancy needs to go to participate in the concert , the of course , he needs to go and play the piano. You are possibly what natural , I will compose in reply nancy Wang Bing , Liu Tao and Yang Ling Yi get up That is very good



你好 你好,是高山吗? 是的,请讲


你感兴趣吗? 是的,我感兴趣 1点30我们在花园剧院门口见面?

好的 顺便问下,你明天打算去干什么?明天有个音乐会在学校,

我将要去弹小提琴 好的


你想来吗 当然,我将和 nancy 王兵,刘涛和杨凌一起来




A day in the life of whizz-kid Wendy 牛津上海版 原文~ 今天英语书忘在学校里了。

unit 2

British /5brItIF/ adj. 英国的

corridor /5k:rIdR:/ n. <英>走廊

dustbin /5dQstbIn/ n. <英>垃圾箱

lift /lIft/ n. <英>电梯

fall /fR:l/ n. <美>秋天

garbage /5^B:bIdV/ n. <美>垃圾

hall /hR:l/ n. <美>走廊

elevator /5elIveItE/ n. <美>电梯

movie /5mU:vI/ n. <美>**

recess /rI5ses/ /ri:5ses/ n. <美>课间休息

/5s:kE/ n. <美>足球

mixed /mIkst/ adj. 男女混合的;混合的

together /tE5^eTE/ adv. 在一起,共同

subject /5sQbdVIkt/ n. 科目

Home Economics /7hEJm5i:kE5n:mIks/ n. 家政课

myself /maI5self/ n. 我自己

tasty /5teIstI/ adj. 味道好的

meal /mi:l/ n. 一顿饭

guy /^aI/ n. <口>家伙, 朋友们;各位

twice /twaIs/ adv. 两次;两倍

softball /5s:ftbR:l/ n. 垒球

practice /5prAktIs/ vt.&vi. <美>练习,操练

buddy /5bQdI/ n. <口>好朋友;搭档

senior /5si:nIE/ n. (8A)(大学或中学的)毕业生

hero /5hIErEJ/ n. 被崇拜的对象;英雄

close /5klEJz/ adj. 密切的,亲密的

article /5B:tIkl/ n. 文章

admire /Ed5maIE/ vi. 钦佩,羡慕

geography /dVI5:^rEfI/ n. 地理

history /5hIstrI/ n. 历史

language /5lAN^wIdV/ n. 语言

PE(Physical Education) /7pI:5i:/ abbr. 体育(课)

science /5saIEns/ n. 科学

useful /5jU:sfl/ adj. 有用的;有益的

unimportant /QnIm5pR:tEnt/ adj. 不重要的

boring /5bR:rIN/ adj. 无聊的,令人乏味的

useless /5jU:slIs/ adj. 无用的

unpopular /Qn5p:pjJlE/ adj. 不受欢迎的;不流行的

least /li:st/ adj. 最少的;最小的

alike /E5laIk/ adj. 同样的,相像的

notebook /5nEJtbJk/ n. 笔记本

timetable /taImteIbl/ n. 时刻表;时间表

length /leNW/ n. 长,长度

off /:f/ adv. 休,休息

summertime /5sQmEtaIm/ n. 夏季

kilometre /5kIlEmi:tE/ n. 千米,公里

monkey /5mQNkI/ n. 猴子

news /njU:z/ n. 新闻

finish /5fInIF/ vt.&vi. 结束,停止; 结束,完成

tick /tIk/ n.&vt. 小记号; 给……标记号

baseball /5beIsbR:l/ n. 棒球

table tennis /5teIbl tenIs/ n. 乒乓球

tennis /5tenIs/ n. 网球

chess /tFes/ n. 国际象棋

drama /5drB:mE/ n. 戏剧

support /sE5pR:t/ n. &vt 帮助;支持; 支持;鼓励

ideal /aI5di:El/ adj. 想像的;理想的

pop /p:p/ adj. 通俗的;流行的

tennis court /5tenIs kR:t/ n. 网球场

paper clip /5peIpE klIp/ n. 回形针

unit 3

Come on. 来吧。快点。

ourselves /7aJE5selvz/ pron. 我们自己

coffee shop /5k:fI F:p/ n. 咖啡馆; 小吃部

greeting /5^ri:tIN/ n. 问候

greetings /5^ri:tINz/ n. 祝愿语

president /5prezIdEnt/ n. 总统,国家

mom /m:m/ n. <美>妈妈

invite /In5vaIt/ vt. 邀请

beginning /bI5^InIN/ n. 开始,起初

/kEJtF/ n. 长途汽车

city /5sItI/ n. & adj. 城市的; 城市, 市

highway /5haIweI/ n. (城镇间的)公路

sky /skaI/ n. 天,天空

metal /metl/ n. & adj. 金属; 金属的

interest /5IntrEst/ n. 令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣

real /5ri:El/ /5rIEl/ adj. 真的,天然的;真实的

amazing /E5meIzIN/ adj. 令人惊奇的,惊人的

parade /pE5reId/ n. (庆祝)游行

himself /hIm5self/ pron. 他自己

home page /5hEJmpeIdV/ n. 主页

yourself /jR:5self/ pron. 你自己

yourselves /jR:5selvz/ pron 你们自己

herself /hE5self/ pron 她自己

movement /5mU:vmEnt/ n. 行进;运行;走动

main /meIn/ adj. 主要的

stomach /5stQmEk/ n. 胃,肚子

stone /stEJn/ n. 石头

maple /5meIpl/ adj.&n. 枫树的; 枫树

leaf /li:f/ n. 叶子([复数]lees/li:vz/)

hike /haIk/ vi. 徒步旅行,远足

beauty /5bjU:tI/ n. 美,美丽

decide /dI5saId/ vt.&vi. 决定

prepare /prI5peE/ vt.&vi. 准备

sunset /5sQnset/ n. 日落;傍晚

possible /5p:sEbl/ adj. 可能的

themselves /TEm5selvz/ pron. 他们自己

itself /it5self/ pron. 它自己

rock /r:k/ n. 岩石

hide-and-seek /7haIdn5si:k/ n. 捉迷藏

wonder /5wQndE/ adj.&n. 对……感到疑惑;想知道; 奇迹

climber /5klaImE/ n. 登山者

luckily /5lQkIlI/ adv. 幸好,的是

final /5faInl/ n. &adj. 决赛;期终考试; 最后的

cheer /tFIE/ vi. 欢呼,喝彩

fare /feE/ n. 车费,船费,飞机票价

supporter /sE5pR:tE/ n. 支持者,拥护者

half-time /7hB:f5taIm/ n. 中场休息

presentation /7prezEn5teIFn/ n. 授予(赠送)仪式;演示

cup /kQp/ n. 奖杯

medal /5medl/ n. 奖牌,奖章

cost /k:st/ n. 费用,价格

per /p\:/ prep. 每,每一

winner /5wInE/ n. 获胜者

receive /rI5si:v/ vt. 得到;接到

over /5EJvE/ prep. 超过

sure /FJE/ /FR:/ adv. 当然

pack /pAk/ vt. 把……打包,把……装箱

badly /5bAdlI/ adv. 拙劣地,糟糕地;严重地

airport /5eEpR:t/ n. 机场

shuttle bus /5FQtlbQs/ n. 短程往返运行的公共汽车

unit 4

wild /waIld/ adj. 野生的

delicious /dI5lIFEs/ adj. 美味的,可口的

bear /be[/ n. 熊

dolphin /5d:lfIn/ n. 海豚

giant panda /7dVaInt5pAndE/ n. 熊猫

kangaroo /7kAN^E5rU:/ n. 袋鼠

squirrel /5skwIrEl/ n. 松鼠

bamboo shoot /7bAm5bU: Fu:t/ n. 竹笋

sadly /5sAdlI/ adv. 可惜;令人伤心地

survive /s[5vaIv/ vi. 活下来,继续存在,幸存

hunter /5hQnt[/ n. 猎人

fur /f\:/ n. (动物的)毛,毛皮

farmer /5fB:m[/ n. 农民;农场主

forest /5f:rIst/ n. 森林

nowhere /5n[Jwe[/ n. 无处,没有地方

danger /5deIndV[/ n. 危险

following /5f:l[JIN/ adj. 以下的,接着的

action /5AkF[n/ n. 行动

protect /prE5tekt/ vi. 保护

reserve /rI5z\:v/ n. 自然保护区

encourage /In5kQrIdV/ vt. 劝告;鼓励

safe /seIf/ adj. 安全的

thick /WIk/ adj. 厚的;密的;浓的

alive /E5laIv/ adj. 活着的

writer /5raIt[/ n. 作者

camel /5kAml/ n. 骆驼

fox /f:ks/ n. 狐狸

giraffe /dV[5rB:f/ n. 长颈鹿

polar bear /5pEJlE beE/ n. 北极熊

tortoise /5tR:tEs/ n. 龟,乌龟

wolf /wJlf/ n. 狼

zebra /5zebrE/ /5zi:brE/ n. 斑马

bamboo /7bAm5bU:/ n. 竹子

rainforest /5reInf:rIst/ n. (热带)雨林

report /rI5pR:t/ n.&vt.&vi. 报告;报道

attack /E5tAk/ vt.&vi. &n. 攻击,进攻

spit /spIt/ vt.&vi. 吐出; 吐唾沫

step /step/ vi. 踩,踏上

poison /5pRIzn/ n. 毒物,毒药

male /meIl/ adj. 雄的;男(性)的

hunt /hQnt/ vt.&vi. 寻找;打猎,猎食; 追猎;搜寻

character /5kArEktE/ n. 特点;性格,品质

medicine /5medIsn/ n. 药

smell /smel/ n. 嗅觉

insect /5Insekt/ n. 昆虫

snail /sneIl/ n. 蜗牛

loss /l:s/ n. 丧失,损失;失败

chairperson /5tFeEp\:sn/ n.

peaceful /5pi:sfl/ adj. 和平的,安宁的

continue /kEn5tInjU:/ vi. & vt. 继续; 使继续

suitable /5sU:tEbl/ /sjU:t[bl/ adj. 合适的,适宜的

farmland /5fB:mlAnd/ n. 农田,耕地

sell /sel/ vt. 卖,出售

train /treIn/ vt. 训练

mice /maIs/ n. [mouse的复数形式]老鼠

sharp /FB:p/ adj. 尖的;锋利的

upright /5QpraIt/ adv. 挺直地;竖立地;垂直地


1 really warm 确实暖和

2 stay here for too long 呆在这儿太久

3 mop sth up / mop up sth 把某物拖干净

4 natural disasters 自然灾害

5 bad weather 坏天气

6 lose the game 输了比赛

7 thousands of people 成千上万的人们

8 a car accident 一起

9 crash into 撞到……上

10 wash sth away / wash away sth 把……冲走

11 fall (down) from 从……摔下来

12 thunder and lightning 雷电

13 survive the earthquake 在地震中幸存下来

14 at first 起先

15 feel a slight shaking 感到一阵轻微的震动

16 hear a big noise like thunder 听到像雷一样的一阵巨响

17 look at each other in fear 惊恐地互相看看

18 like bombs below the ground 像地下的爆炸一样

19 run in all directions 向四面八方逃跑

20 run out of the shopping center 跑出购物中心

21 run out to the street 跑到街上

22 pieces of glass 玻璃碎片

23 fall down 摔下来

24 come down 倒下

25 calm down 安静下来

26 be tred 陷入困境

27 say to oneself 自言自语

28 a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧

29 shout /scream for help 大声喊救命

30 stay alive 活着

31 he a packet of chocolate 吃一袋巧克力

32 hear excited shouts 听到兴奋的叫喊声

33 in a great hurry (to do sth )极为匆忙地(做某事)

34 move sth away / move away sth 把……搬走

35 the noise of thunder 雷声

36 sound like 听起来像……

37 (be) around 7 7摄氏度左右

38 drop a little 下降一点

39 become / get worse 变得更糟

40 drop to -5 降到零下5摄氏度

41 be sunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy 晴朗的/多云的/有雾的/有霜的/暴风雨的天气

42 make excuses / make an excuse 找借口

43 get all wet (混身)湿透了

44 tell / ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(别)做某事

45 advise sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(不要)做某事

46 order sb (not) to do sth 命令某人(不要)做某事

47 lock the door 锁门

48 run down the stairs 跑下楼梯

49 walk out of the classroom one by one 一个接一个走出教室

50 an accident report 一份事故报告

51 cover……with 用……覆盖……

52 be covered with 被……覆盖

53 call the 110 hotline 打110热线

54 be serious 严重的 something serious 一些严重的事

55 time of arrival 到达的时间

56 conditions of victims 受害者的情况

57 hear about / of 听说

58 a hey storm with thunder and lightning 一阵大风暴伴随着雷电声

59 catch/ cause fire 引起火灾

60 be (badly) hurt (严重)受伤

61 continued to do sth 继续做(同一件)事

62 fall over 绊倒

63 do nothing but do sth 除了做某事外不做任何事

64 hear the noise of traffic 听到车辆的声音

65 look out of the window 朝窗外看

66 remove the snow 把雪移走

67 turn off the lights 关灯

68 typhoon signal number 台风信号

68 snowstorm warning 风雪警报

69 roll up trousers 卷起裤子

70 in the wind 在风中


1去观鸟go birdwatching

2在市场at the market

3烤鸡roast chickens

4飞往北方国家fly to northern countries

5自然保护区nature reserves

6在中国东北in north-east China / in the north-east of China

7短暂停留for a short stay

8为食catch fish for food

9稀有的丹顶鹤the rare red-crowned cranes

10占更多的空间take more space

11中国the Chinese

12数鸟count birds/ do a bird count

13什么的理想家园the ideal home for…

14越来越少的生存空间less and less space to live

15世界上最重要的湿地之一one of the world’s most important wetlands

16濒临灭绝的动物endangered animals

17在数字上的变化the changes in the numbers

18为……提供食物和住所provide food and shelter for

19取措施做……take actions to do …

20一年一次once a year

21懂得保护湿地的重要性understand the importance of the wetlands


a lot of / a large number of

23处于危险当中be in danger


keep shops

25在世界的其他地方in other areas of the world

26走很长的路walk a long way

27一双皮鞋a pair of leather shoes

28乱扔垃圾drop litter carelessly


毕业finish school

30准备考试study for the exam

31在入口处at the entrance

32讲一口流利的法语speak fluent French / speak French fluently

33安静下来be quiet

34出生日期Date of birth

35发出很多噪音,吵闹make a lot of noise

36在观鸟期间during the birdwatching

37关于扎龙的报告a report on Zhalong

38唯一理由the only reason

39防洪prevent the flood

40例如for example

41有12000公顷的面积he an area of 120,000 hectares

42阳光灿烂shine brightly

43对别人讲礼貌show good manners to others

44申请表an lication form

45兴趣和爱好interests and hobbies

46成为……成员become a member of

47等不及can’t wait for

48终年all year round

49彩色羽毛colourful feathers

50有长尖形翅膀的燕子a swallow with long pointed wings



Wendy Wang,15,is one of the top students in Shenzhen.She writes computer games,and all of her family work in her business.She is still at school!

6 a.m.

l get up at six o'clock,wash and put on my school uniform.l he breakfast with my parents.Every morning,we discuss business at breakfast.

7.30 a.m.

Every day,my driver driver drives me to school in my own cagr.l sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school.


l start school.l enjoy seeing my school friends.l usually achieve Agrades in all my subjects.l never fail an exam.

12.30 a.m.

About twice a week my driver collects me from school.l go and he lunch with a client.Then l return to school.

4.15 p.m.


school,l usually attend a club.On Fridays,we he Computer Club meetings.Other students often ask me to assist thve violin lessons.l finish my homework in an hour or two before dinner.

7 p.m.

l always he dinner with my parents.We discuss our business during the day.Then l go to my office and continue working on my games.l usually go to bed at 11 p.m















求高一牛津英语第一课的reading《school life》全文

一. 词汇

⑴ 单词

1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of

1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如:

in our class 在我们班上

in my bag 在我的书包里

in the desk 在桌子里

in the classroom 在教室里

2). on 表示"在……上"。例如:

on the wall 在墙上

on the desk 在桌子上

on the blackboard 在黑板上

3). under表示"在……下"。例如:

under the tree 在树下

under the chair 在椅子下

under the bed 在床下

4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如:

behind the door 在门后

behind the tree 在树后

5). near表示"在……附近"。例如:

near the teacher's desk 在讲桌附近

near the bed 在床附近

6). at表示"在……处"。例如:

at school 在学校

at home 在家

at the door 在门口

7). of 表示"……的"。例如:

a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画

a map of China 一张中国地图

2. 冠词 a / an / the:

冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an le.


This is a cat.


It's an English book.


His father is a worker.



Who's the boy in the hat?


------ What can you see in the classroom?

------ I can see a bag.

------ Where's the bag?

------ It's on the desk.

------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀?

------ 我能看见一个书包。

------ 书包在哪呀?

------ 在桌子上。



There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。

Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。


Is there any ink in your pen?你的钢笔里有墨水吗?

Do you he any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?

There isn't any water in the glass.杯子里没有水。



Would you like to he some les?你想吃苹果吗?


Any one of us can do this.我们当中任何一个都能做这个。

some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。


family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。

My family is a big family. 我的家庭是个大家庭。

My family are all at home now. 我的家人现在都在家。

Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。

His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。

My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。

He isn't at home now. 他现在不在家。

It's a picture of my family. 这是一张我全家的照片。

5. little的用法

a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。


There is little time. 几乎没时间了。

There is little water in the cup. 杯中水很少。

⑵ 词组

on the desk 在桌子上

behind the chair 在椅子后

under the chair 在椅子下面

in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中

near the door 在门附近

a picture of a classroom 一个教室的

look at the picture 看这张

the teacher's desk 讲桌

a map of China 一张中国地图

family tree 家谱

he a seat 坐下,就坐

this way 这边走

二. 日常用语

1. Come and meet my family.

2. Go and see. I think it's Li Lei.

3. Glad to meet you.

4. What can you see in the picture?

I can see a clock / some books.

5. Can you see an orange?

Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

6. Where's Shenzhen?

It's near Hong Kong.

7. Let me see.(口语)让我想想看。

see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如:

8. Please he a seat.

seat表示"座位",是个名词。he a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。

三. 语法

1. 名词所有格


(1). 一般情况下在词尾加"'s"。例如:

Kate's father Kate的爸爸

my mother's friend 我妈妈的朋友

(2). 如果复数名词以s结尾,只加"'"。例如:

Teachers' Day 教师节

The boys' game 男孩们的游戏

(3). 如果复数名词不以s结尾,仍加"'s"。例如:

Children's Day 儿童节

Women's Day 妇女节

(4). 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如:

Lucy and Lily's room Lucy 和Lily的房间

Kate and Jim's father Kate 和Jim的爸爸


a map of China 一幅中国地图

the name of her cat 她的猫的名字

a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片

the door of the bedroom 卧室的门

2. 祈使句

祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。

(1). 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。

Go and see. 去看看。

Come in, please. 请进。

(2). 祈使句的否定形式常用don't于句首。

Don't look at your books. 不要看书。

Don't play on the road. 不要在马路上玩。

3. There be 的句子结构

There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思,

肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。


There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。

There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。

(1)there be的否定句,即在be的后面加上not。

否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。

There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。

There aren't any books on the desk. 桌子上没书。

(2)there be句型的疑问句就是将be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't.

---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗?

---Yes, there is. 有。

---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗?

---No, there aren't. 没有。

(3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用There be . . .

There's one. / There are two / three / some . . .

有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . .

---How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生?

---There's only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。

(4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语?

How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水?

How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物?


School life in the UK

Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very hy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.

On the first day, all students went to attend assembly. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends.

During assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China.

I had many teachers in the past year and they each taught only one subject. Mr Heywood was my class teacher. My fourite teacher was Miss Burke. She was the teacher who taught us English literature. In our class there were 29 students. This is about the erage size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was difficult to remember all the faces and names.

I found the homework was not as hey as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit difficult for me at first because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French.

My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library. I joined the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates enjoyed the cake that I made.

Students at that school he to study Maths, English and Science, but can drop some subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History, French and Art. They can choose other subjects like Woodwork, Computer Science or Languages, such as Spanish, German, etc. In woodwork class I made a small table. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much..

I missed Chinese food a lot at lunchtime. British food is very different. British people eat lots of desserts after their main meal. They don’t seem to like fruit as much as Chinese students. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass.

I was very lucky to experience this different way of life, and I hope that someday I can go back and study in Manchester again.




 1 My dad at home and at work

 He comes home, has a shower.

 And eats dinner, every day.

 Now, he?s sitting in his fourite chair.

 He's reading the paper

 And watching television.

 Soon he'll go to bed.

 He's a boring man, my dad.

 And then one day I see him,

 On the building site, at work.

 He's high up, in the clouds, up in the air.

 He's making a building.

 He's fixing a crane, so clever.

 He's working higher than the birds,

 He's walking on a narrow plank,

 Not scared, not scared like me.

 He's a super man, my dad.

 2 My school

 For your homework, write a poem.

 You said to us, Miss Li.

 I wrote these verses on my own,

 I hope you're pleased with me.

 I want to talk about the school

 I loved when I was small.

 With lots of little boys and girls,

 Tow teachers and a hall.

 Mr Black was sometimes cross:

 ?Silence! Pay attention!"

 He scolded pupils in his class,

 And put them in detention.

 But Miss White was like you, Miss Li,

 She helped in every way.

 She loved chatting with her class,

 Her lessons seemed like play!

 If you?re puzzled by my words,

 I can explain, Miss Li.

 The staff and students were not real.

 They're little dolls, you see


 1. Mr. Black was sometimes cross... 布莱克先生有时脾气不好?。?

 句中的cross作形容词,意为?十分愤怒的;脾气不好的?。cr。ss也可作动词,意为?穿越;穿过?。,如:cross the r。ad(穿过马路)。

 2. Silence Pay attention! 安静!请注意!

 句中的'pay作动词,当和某些名词结合使用时,表示将要做或将付出某事物。在7B Unit 2 曾学过pay for the tickets,pay意为?付费?。

 3. Her lessons seemed like play! 上她的课很轻松!


 The little boy is playing with a toy plane.小男孩在玩一架玩具飞机。


 Never a dull moment

 If you like to keep lively.

 If you hte being bored.

 Just come down to our house

 And knock on the door.

 It's the noisiest house

 In the whole of our town.

 There's doors always slamming

 And thing falling down.

 There's my dad,whos keeps shouting.

 And my mum,whos breaks things,

 The baby(who'll bite you!)

 And our dog running rings.

 There's my sister the screamer

 And my brother who roars,

 And a grandpa who's stone deaf

 (He's the one who slams doors)

 So come down to our house.

 You don't need the address.

 You'll hear it ten miles away

 And the outside's a mess.

 You won't mind the racket,

 You'll just love the din --

 For there's never a dull moment

 In the house we live in!

一. 词汇

⑴ 单词

1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of

1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如:

in our class 在我们班上

in my bag 在我的书包里

in the desk 在桌子里

in the classroom 在教室里

2). on 表示"在……上"。例如:

on the wall 在墙上

on the desk 在桌子上

on the blackboard 在黑板上

3). under表示"在……下"。例如:

under the tree 在树下

under the chair 在椅子下

under the bed 在床下

4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如:

behind the door 在门后

behind the tree 在树后

5). near表示"在……附近"。例如:

near the teacher's desk 在讲桌附近

near the bed 在床附近

6). at表示"在……处"。例如:

at school 在学校

at home 在家

at the door 在门口

7). of 表示"……的"。例如:

a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画

a map of China 一张中国地图

2. 冠词 a / an / the:

冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an le.


This is a cat.


It's an English book.


His father is a worker.



Who's the boy in the hat?


------ What can you see in the classroom?

------ I can see a bag.

------ Where's the bag?

------ It's on the desk.

------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀?

------ 我能看见一个书包。

------ 书包在哪呀?

------ 在桌子上。



There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。

Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。


Is there any ink in your pen?你的钢笔里有墨水吗?

Do you he any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?

There isn't any water in the glass.杯子里没有水。



Would you like to he some les?你想吃苹果吗?


Any one of us can do this.我们当中任何一个都能做这个。

some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。


family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。

My family is a big family. 我的家庭是个大家庭。

My family are all at home now. 我的家人现在都在家。

Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。

His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。

My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。

He isn't at home now. 他现在不在家。

It's a picture of my family. 这是一张我全家的照片。

5. little的用法

a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。


There is little time. 几乎没时间了。

There is little water in the cup. 杯中水很少。

⑵ 词组

on the desk 在桌子上

behind the chair 在椅子后

under the chair 在椅子下面

in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中

near the door 在门附近

a picture of a classroom 一个教室的

look at the picture 看这张

the teacher's desk 讲桌

a map of China 一张中国地图

family tree 家谱

he a seat 坐下,就坐

this way 这边走

二. 日常用语

1. Come and meet my family.

2. Go and see. I think it's Li Lei.

3. Glad to meet you.

4. What can you see in the picture?

I can see a clock / some books.

5. Can you see an orange?

Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

6. Where's Shenzhen?

It's near Hong Kong.

7. Let me see.(口语)让我想想看。

see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如:

8. Please he a seat.

seat表示"座位",是个名词。he a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。

三. 语法

1. 名词所有格


(1). 一般情况下在词尾加"'s"。例如:

Kate's father Kate的爸爸

my mother's friend 我妈妈的朋友

(2). 如果复数名词以s结尾,只加"'"。例如:

Teachers' Day 教师节

The boys' game 男孩们的游戏

(3). 如果复数名词不以s结尾,仍加"'s"。例如:

Children's Day 儿童节

Women's Day 妇女节

(4). 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如:

Lucy and Lily's room Lucy 和Lily的房间

Kate and Jim's father Kate 和Jim的爸爸


a map of China 一幅中国地图

the name of her cat 她的猫的名字

a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片

the door of the bedroom 卧室的门

2. 祈使句

祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。

(1). 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。

Go and see. 去看看。

Come in, please. 请进。

(2). 祈使句的否定形式常用don't于句首。

Don't look at your books. 不要看书。

Don't play on the road. 不要在马路上玩。

3. There be 的句子结构

There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思,

肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。


There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。

There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。

(1)there be的否定句,即在be的后面加上not。

否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。

There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。

There aren't any books on the desk. 桌子上没书。

(2)there be句型的疑问句就是将be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't.

---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗?

---Yes, there is. 有。

---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗?

---No, there aren't. 没有。

(3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用There be . . .

There's one. / There are two / three / some . . .

有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . .

---How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生?

---There's only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。

(4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语?

How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水?

How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物?
