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ysladmin 2024-06-05
冰河世纪2_冰河世纪2在线国语版免费观看       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“冰河世纪2”的话题。如果你对这个话题还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来探索其中的奥秘吧。1.冰河世纪2经典台词2.冰河世纪2








       冰河世纪2 台词



       - What do you mean, shortcut?- I mean faster than the long way around.


       Lord of "Touch Me and You're Dead".


       分类: 娱乐/明星 >> **



        1.The Waterpark (2:24)

        2.The Vulture Of Doom (1:18)

        3.Migration (3:32)

       4.Call Of The Mammoth (1:53)

        5.Sad Manny And The Possums (1:44)

        6.Manny And Ellie Meet (3:44)

        7.Traveling With Possums (2:00)

        8.12 Ton Mammoth And A 10 Ton Possum (1:55)

        9.Attack From Below The Ice (2:05)

        10.Extreme Possum (1:50)

        11.Who Will Join Me On the Dung Heap? (0:44)

        12.Log Moving (0:59)

        13.Ellie Remembers (2:41)

        14.Foggy Balance (3:53)

        15.Goodnight Sweet Possums (0:48)

        16.Kidnapped (0:56)

        17.Sid's Sing-A-Long (2:09)

        18.Food Glorious Food (1:34)

        19.The Boat And The Geysers (2:40)

        20.The Dam Breaks (1:54)

        21.Ellie Gets Trapped (0:32)

        22.Manny To The Rescue (2:08)

        23.Rescues All Round (3:06)

        24.Scrat To The Rescue (1:28)

        25.The Water Recedes (1:52)

        26.Mammoths (1:24)

        27.With The Herd (0:25)

        28.Into The Sunset (3:01)

        29.The Pearly Gates ("Adagio" From Spartacus) (1:32)

        30.CPR (0:14)

        31.Mini-Sloths Sing-A-Long (2:13)

        32.The Meltdown (4:25)





       英文名称:Ice Age 2:The Meltdown




       导演:Carlos Saldanha

       主要配音演员:(美国版)Ray Romano/John Leguizamo


















       冰河世纪2 台词



       Great news. I found a shortcut.



       - What do you mean, shortcut?- I mean faster than the long way around.



       I know what a shortcut is.



       Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em.



       Through there? What do you take me for?



       This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth.



       Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.



       Guys. Guys. Check this out.



       Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.



       No, thanks. I choose life.



       Then I suggest you take the shortcut.



       - Are you threatening me?- Move, sloth!



       Way to go, tiger.



       Quick. Get inside.



       OK, I vote shortcut.



       Guys, stick together.It's easy to get lost in here.






       A fish.



       Will you keep up, please?Hard enough to keep track of one baby.



       I gotcha.



       Captain, iceberg ahead.



       Oh, no.



       Yeah. Who's up for round two?



       Tell the kid to be more careful.



       Look, look. Tigers.



       No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.



       - With their teeth.- Come on, Sid, let's play tag.



       You're it.



       Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?



       You never see any sloths.Have you ever noticed?



       - Look, Manny, a mammoth.- Somebody pinch me.



       Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.



       And he's got a family.



       And he's happy.Look, he's playing with his kid.



       See? That's your problem.That's what mammoths are supposed to do.



       - Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...



       - Sid.



       - What?- Shut up.






       Would you look at that.



       The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak.



       Next stop, Glacier Pass.



       - How could I ever have doubted you?- Did you hear that, little fella?



       You're almost home.



       - My feet are sweating.- Do we need a news flash



       - every time your body does something?- lgnore him.



       Seriously. My feet are really hot.



       Tell me that was your stomach.



       I'm sure it was just thunder.



       From underground?



       Come on, keep up with me.



       I would if you were moving.



       - I wish I could jump like that.- Wish granted.



       - Come on, move faster.- Have you noticed the river of lava?



       Hold Pinky.






       Manny, Manny, Manny, you OK?Come on, come on, say something. Anything.



       What? What? I can't hear you.



       You're standing on my trunk.



       - You're OK. You're OK.- Why did you do that?



       You could have died, trying to save me.



       That's what you do in a herd.



       You look out for each other.



       Well, thanks.



       I don't know about you guys,but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen.



       I can't wait to getmy claws in that mammoth.



       No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby.



       First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.



       - I'll put the white meat in one pile and...- Knock it off. I'm starving.



       Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.



       - I told you to knock it off.- Save your energy.



       Mammoths don't go down easy.



       There's only one way to do it.



       First, you have to force it into a corner.



       Cut off its retreat.And when you three have it trapped,



       I'll go for the throat.



       Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.



       - How much further?- Three miles.



       I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.



       - What are you doing?- I'm putting sloths on the map.



       Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down?



       And make him rounder.



       - Perfect.- I forgot how to laugh.



       I'm a genius.



       From now on you'll have torefer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame.



       Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire.



       Thank you. From now on,I'm gonna call you Diego.



       Lord of "Touch Me and You're Dead".



       I'm just kidding, you little knucklehead.






       Look at this.



       I don't believe it.



       Come here, you little biped.Come here, you little wormy-worm.



       Come to Uncle Sid.



       No, no... This way. This way.



       No, no, no. No, go to him.



       Go to him.






       Good job. Keep practicing.



       Look at that. Our little guy is growing up.



       All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.



       Look at that big pushover.



       You know, Diego, I've never hada friend who would risk his life for me.



       Yeah, Manny's... he's a good guy.



       Yeah, he is.



       Well, good night.



       Let's get you all cleaned up. What's your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky?



       Let me just clean that up.That looks good. A little bit here.



       - You clean up nice, little fella.- I think he's starting to look like me.



       Diego, what do you think?



       - Maybe we shouldn't do this.- Why not?



       If we save him, he'll be a hunter.And who do you think he'll hunt?



       Maybe because we save him,he won't hunt us.



       Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur anda long skinny neck and call you Mama.



       - What's your problem?- Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off.



       Diego. You frozen back there?



       - Get down.- What?



       - Get down and follow me.- What's going on?



       At the bottom of Half Peak,there's an ambush waiting for you.



       - What?- What do you mean, "ambush"?



       - You set us up.- It was my job.



       - I was to get the baby, but then...- You brought us home for dinner.



       - That's it. You're out of the herd.- I'm sorry.



       No, you're not. Not yet.



       - Listen, I can help you.- Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out.



       You can't. The pack's too strong.You have to trust me.



       Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you?



       Because I'm your only chance.



       Hello, ladies.



       - Look who decided to show up.- Diego, I was beginning to worry about you.



       No need to worry. In about two minutesyou'll be satisfying your taste for revenge.



       Very nice.



       I see the sloth. And he's got the baby.



       Don't give away your positions until yousee the mammoth. He's the one to surprise.



       You want to maul something, don't you?



       - I wanna maul.- Then what are you waiting for?



       No, I said wait for the mammoth.



       Backscratcher. Eat my powder!






       Slalom! Slalom, baby!



       Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite.



       Get him.






       OK, follow me. We'll pick up Sidand get outta here while we can.



       Come on, Diego,let's bring this mammoth down.



       There he is.



       That's right. Where's the baby?



       Survival of the fittest.



       I don't think so. Yeah.



       - What are you doing?- Leave the mammoth alone.



       Fine. I'll take you down first.



       We did it.



       We were some team, huh?



       Were? Come on, we're still a team.



       I'm sorry I set you up.



       You know me -I'm too lazy to hold a grudge.



       Knock it off, squirt.



       You gotta be strong.



       You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.



       Especially Sid.



       Come on, you can lick this. You're a tiger.



       Look, I'll carry you.Come on, what do you say?



       Come on, Diego, come on.



       Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny.



       Listen, you have to leave me here.



       If those humans get through the pass,you'll never catch them.



       You didn't have to do that.



       That's what you do in a herd.



       Don't forget about us.






       We won't forget about you.









       - Sid...- Bye.






       That's right. Where's the baby?



       Come on, Sid, let's head south.






       Save your breath, Sid.You know humans can't talk.



       Diego? You're OK.



       - Nine lives, baby.- You're OK.



       You're OK.



       I could kiss ya.



       Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?



       No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I've got left.



       You're hanging out with us. Dignity'sgot nothing to do with it. I'll take that lift.



       - Yeah, climb aboard.- Pick me up, buddy.



       Mush. Or not mush. Either way.



       This is gonna be the best migration ever.



       I'll show you my favorite watering holes.I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.



       - Attractive.- This whole lce age thing is getting old.



       You know what I could go for?Global warming.



       - Keep dreaming.- No, really...



       20,000 Years Later
