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only under special circumstances

ysladmin 2024-06-14
only under special circumstances       接下来,我将针对only under special circumstances的问题给出一些建议和解答,希望对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就来探讨一下only under
only under special circumstances

       接下来,我将针对only under special circumstances的问题给出一些建议和解答,希望对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就来探讨一下only under special circumstances的话题。







only under special circumstances


       这道题是only的倒装句,正常语序是Freshmen are permitted to take make-up tests only under special circumstance.



       Is this the factory A makes colour TV set?


       B.in which


       D.the one

       The army received a command that they B to the front immediately

       A.would march

       B.should march

       C.must march

       D.were marching

       Only under special circumstances C to take make-up tests.

       A.are freshman permitted

       B.permitted are freshmen

       C.freshmen are permitted

       D.are permitted freshmen


       1,Never before that night ____ the extent of my own power. 选 C (否定词在句首须用倒装)

       A.had I felt B. I felt C.did I feel D.I had felt

       2,Only under special circunstances____to take make-up tests.选A(only接介词短语在句首须用倒装)

       A.are freshmen permitted B. freshmen are permitted

       C.permitted are freshmen D.are permitted freshmen

       3,The residerts ,____had been damaged by the flood ,were given help by the Red Cross. 选C(定语从句结构)

       A.all their homes B.all whose homes

       C.all of whose homes D.all of their homes

       4,Today,____major new products without conducting elaborate market research.选B(hardly ever几乎没有)

       A.corporations hardly introduce ever B.corporations hardly ever introduce C.hardly corporations introduce ever D.hardly corporations ever introduce

       5,Radio, television and press ____of conveying news and informtion.选B(the+数词+最高级)

       A.are the most three common means B.are the three most common means C.are the most common three means D.are three the most common means

       6,We have been told that under no circumstances____the telephone in the office for personal affairs. 选A(under no circumstances表否定含义,放在句首应倒装)

       A.may we use B.we may use C.we could use D.did we use

       7,____when she started complaining.选B(hardly…when 一……就……)

       A.Not until he arrived B.Hardly had he arrived

       C.No sooner had he arrived D.Scarcely did he arrived

       8,The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as ____its soils and the water of its lakes ,rivers and oceans.选B(这是倒装结构,主语是复数,在后面“its soils and the water of its lakes ,rivers and oceans”)

       A.has B.are C.is D.do

       9,____that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent .选 C(so…that…句型中,so放在句首时要用倒装结构)

       A.Such construction robots are clever B.So clever the construction robots are C.So clever are the construction robots

       D.Such clever construction robots are

       10,In the southwestern part of the United States ____built in the last century.选C(地点副词放在句首时须用倒装)

       A.they are many abandoned mining towns

       B.where there are many abandoned mining towns

       C.are many abandoned mining towns

       D.many abandoned mining towns are



       第一、“only+状语”置于句首。大家记住这种情况往往发生在only修饰状语的时候才会发生倒装,且以时间和方式状语为主,但是修饰主语的话是不需要倒装的。Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests. 另外一点需要注意的就是当only加各类状语从句置于句首时,是主句中的主谓必须倒装,而不是从句中的主谓倒装,且这一点与not until相同。Only when he had failed three times did he turn to me for advice.?

       第二、句首中有否定词或否定短语时,句子要部分倒装。常见的否定词有:never, scarcely, seldom, rarely, no sooner…than.但这时候也存在特例,假如否定词不是修饰整个句子,而只是限定句子主语,则不用倒装。例如:Not only I but also he has been there.

       第三、固定形式如:”So+a./adv.” 及”to the extent/degree”放在句首,表示程度,句子须倒装。举例:To such a degree did he go on with tedious speech that some of us began to yawn.

       第四、在之前虚拟章节中提到的,在含有were, should, had的虚拟语气中,省去if后,须倒装。



       82. As for Williams, he would rather die than having to do such a thing.

       83. Only under special circumstances, students can be permitted to graduate early.

       84. It has been proved that our skin color depends on inheritance.

       85. No other reproduction in any form is permitted without written approval from the publisher.

       86. The environmental effect of this new factory can be clearly seen from the surrounding farmland and rivers.






       ①never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词位于句首;





       ①here 和there位于句首时;

       ②地点副词away, down, in, off, out, over, round, up 等位于句首时;







       1、there be结构

       在“there be”(或there + appear to be,come,exist,happen to be,lie,live,occur,remain,seem,seem to be,stand,used to be) 雪结构中,倒装形式为完全倒装。如:

       There were many students in the reading room in this evening.


       There is a TV set,a stereo system and a number of chairs in the sitting room.



       在以here,there,now,then等简短副词引起的句子中(前三个须用一般现在时),动词往往是be,come,go等时, 这类句子大多带有引起注意的含义。如:

       Here comes the bus.


       Here is the letter you have been looking forward to.



       Here they are. 他们在这儿。


       1. 完全倒装

       1) 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。

       例如:In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来,然后开始上课。)

       2) there引出的完全倒装句:除了最常见的there be句型以外,there还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem to be, stand等,一般都译成"有"的含义,构成完全倒装句。

       例如:There appeared to be a man in black in the distance.(远处有个穿黑色衣服的人。)

       3) 由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then 开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句。Up climbed the boy when his mother came.


       2. 部分倒装

       1) 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。

       例:_______ right now, she would get there on Sunday.

       A) Would she leave B) if she leave

       C) were she to leave D) If she had left


       2) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法:

       例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。)

       例:In no country ______ Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

       A) better than B) more than C) other than D) rather than

       本题是个倒装句,答案是C) other than。no other than意思是“正是、就是”;而rather than的意思是“宁愿……而不……;而不是”。

       3) 以否定副词开头并加状语的句子要求部分倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely…… when, never, no sooner…… than, rarely, no more, nor nearly, not only等以及only。

       例:Only under special circumstances _________ to take make-up tests.

       A) are freshmen permitted C) permitted are freshmen

       B) freshmen are permitted D) are permitted freshmen

       全句的意思是:“一年级学生只有在特殊的情况下才可以允许补考。”本陈述句以only开始,后面接状语,应当用部分倒装句。所以答案是A) are freshmen permitted。如用自然语序,本题所在的句子就应该改写为:Freshmen are permitted to take make-up tests only under special circumstances.这两句话的差别是,前者将only under special circumstances放到句首,表示对状语的强调。注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。


       a) 如果含有从句时,只要求主句倒装:

       例:Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.(只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。)

       b) 如果上述否定副词出现在强调句型中的前半部分,不用倒装:

       例: It was not until he went abroad that he know the truth of the fact.(直到他出国以后才了解到事实真相。)

       c) 如果hardly, scarcely后面接的是any, ever, at all时,意义类似almost no/ not/ never(几乎不、从不),则无须倒装。

       例:Hardly any people having been invited went there.(几乎没有什么受到邀请的人去那里了。)

       4) 由no matter how, however和how引导的状语从句要求部分倒装,因为形容词或副词通常紧跟在这三个引导词后面,然后才是主语和谓语,形成形式上的部分倒装句:

       例:I know nothing about this river, neither how long, how wide nor how deep it is.(我一点也不了解这条河,不知道它有多长,多宽或多深。)


       a) 当as作为比较意义时,即用于as + adj./ adv. + as结构中时,如果把第一个as省略掉,就形成部分倒装句。

       例:Cautious as the rest of her family (was) , she didn't seem willing to give an immediate reply to my question.(正如她家里人一样谨慎小心,她似乎不愿意立即回答我的问题。)

       She ran down the stairs, quick as a rabbit (ran).(她跑下楼去,跑得象兔子那么快!)

       b) 当as引导让步状语时,和although, though一样,当用作“尽管”之义时,可以用于部分倒装句。

       例:_______, there was no hope of her being able to sleep.

       A) As she was exhausted B) If she was exhausted

       C) Exhausted though she was D) Now that she was exhausted

       答案是C) Exhausted though she was。从属连词as, though可以用于让步状语从句中。这种从句必须以形容词(或形容词化的分词)、名词或动词原形开头,主语必须位于从句之后。D) Now that she was exhausted里的引导词Now that表示“既然”;B) If she was exhausted表示条件“如果”; A) As she was exhausted表示“由于”(因为使用的是正语序),都与后面句子的意思不通顺。

       c) 表示原因时,为了强调起见,也可以倒装。

       例:Tired as he was, we decided not to disturb him.(因为他太累了,我们决定不打扰他。)

       d) 等于so时,意义是“也,也是”

       例:She worked hard, so/ as did her husband. (她工作很努力,她的丈夫工作也很努力。)

       好了,今天关于“only under special circumstances”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“only under special circumstances”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。