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ysladmin 2024-05-31
expedition怎么读_expedition怎么读音发音       谢谢大家给我提供关于expedition怎么读的问题集合。我将从不同的角度回答每个问题,并提供一些相关资源和










       academic 学院的

       adolescence 青春期

       adolescent 青少年时期

       adulthood 成年

       affection 喜爱

       affirm 断言

       agenda 日程表

       anxiety 焦虑

       attitudinal 态度的


       bounce 跳跃

       capability 能力

       contribute 贡献

       counsel 建议

       crisis 危机

       definite 清楚的

       developmental 发育的

       distinct 区分,差别

       distressed 悲伤

       dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

       encyclopedia 百科全书

       endeavor 尝试

       endowment 天赋

       ethical 道德的

       evaluate 估算,评估

       excessive 过分的,极度的

       feminine 女性的

       financial 财政的

       functional 职务的

       genetic 基因的

       guilt 内疚

       heighten 提高

       inherit 遗传,继承

       inhibition 压抑的情绪

       interact 交流

       interaction 合作

       involve (成功的)必要条件

       journal 期刊

       masculine 男性的

       maturity 成熟

       mistrust 不信任

       newscast 新闻广播

       parental 父母的

       peer 同龄人

       perceive 理解

       position 工作

       prejudiced 偏见

       project 规划

       rebel 抗议

       relate 理解,同情某人

       resentment 怨恨

       role 职责

       seminary 学院的

       separation 分开

       sexual 2性的

       shrink 缩水

       stressful 有压力的

       superior 优秀的

       theological 神学的

       unquestionably 毫无疑问的



       alley n.小路, 巷

       bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨

       call it quits 停止

       civil war 内战

       Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员

       dirt road 土路

       down and out 落魄

       drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下

       druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师医药商, 调剂员

       farmhouse n.农舍

       general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规计常规医一般的, 全身性, 广泛的

       get hold of 抓住, 得到

       get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知

       glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见

       fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事

       grand marshal 大元帅

       harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力

       headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员经本部, 总部, 总署

       hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声

       intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交法亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的

       lrish 爱尔兰的

       liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来

       livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的

       memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传化研究报告

       miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹

       momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的

       naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的医裸露的

       orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地医男护理员

       parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进

       pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘

       Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员

       railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作经铁道, 铁路

       ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的

       Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人

       shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落医脱落, 脱换

       show up 揭露, 露出, 露面

       smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声

       surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降

       Swede n.瑞典人

       sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅

       thick with somebody 厚与某人

       windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊



       administration n.管理

       advertise v.登广告

       advertisement n.广告

       anchor v.抛锚;使牢固

       assemble v.集合

       attach v.系;绑;连接

       award n.奖品

       basics n.基本;要素

       campus n.校园

       charitable a.慈善的

       civic a.城市的

       combat n.战斗;格斗

       compete v.竞争

       competition n.竞争

       consumer n.消费者

       custom-made a.定做的

       customazed a.定做的;定制的

       deal n.协议

       dealer n.商人

       delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)

       dignify v.使。。。有尊严

       diploma n.文凭

       efficient a.有效率的

       entitlement n.权利

       entrepreneur n.企业家

       equivalency n.等价

       excess a.过量的

       feature n.特征

       figure out 想出

       flabbergasted a.大吃一惊的

       frantic a.匆忙的

       grab v.抢夺

       grip v.紧握 n.紧握

       come to grips with 了解并应付(难题或局面)

       gross v.总共兼得

       giant n.兴旺的大公司

       gulf n.海湾

       heap v.堆积

       hefty a.高大健壮的;笨重的

       imbued a.使(某人)充满(强烈感情)

       be imbued with对。。。充满强烈感情

       invaluable a.非常宝贵的

       incorporate v.组成公司

       inventory n.库存清单

       Jewish a.犹太人的

       lease n&v租借

       magnitude n.巨大;重要性

       manufacturer n.制造商

       makeup n.加价百分比

       marketing n.市场营销

       maze n.迷宫

       necessity n.必要性

       newlyweds n.新婚的人

       pace n.速度;进度

       painstakingly a.小心的

       parcel n.(土地的)一片

       pan out成功

       performance n.(工作或活动中的)表现

       personalized a.符合特定需求的

       pizza n.比萨饼

       profit n.利润

       profitable a.有利可图的

       prospect n.前途;展望

       quarters n.住处

       quota n.定额;定量

       recess n.(工作等)暂停;休息时间

       recipient n.接受者

       reel v.绕;卷

       revenue n.收入

       site n.(重要事件发生的)场所

       on-site service 上门服务

       sketch v.速写

       souped-up a.增强了马力的

       stripped-down a.朴素的

       subsidiary n.子公司

       subscription n.订阅费

       surplus a.过剩的

       take apart 拆开

       toll-free a.免费的

       trotline n.钓绳

       trunk n.行李箱

       tycoon n.大亨

       with a vengeance 猛烈地;激烈地

       youngster n.年轻人

       zone n.地区

       Proper names

       Michael Dell 麦克尔·戴尔

       Fred J. Eckert 弗莱德·艾克脱

       Houston 休斯顿

       Austin 奥斯丁

       Alexander Dell 亚历山大·戴尔

       Lorraine Dell 罗琳·戴尔

       Mexico 墨西哥

       Texas 德克萨斯州

       Thailand 泰国
























       immense巨大的,广大的,无垠的extremely large



















       proceed进行,前进advance =progress反义词retreat
















       tutor教to teach=instruct










       Proper Names

       Michael Welzenbach


       Robin Hood














       call for形势所迫,必须立即采取行动

       characteristic n.与众不同的特征peculiarity












       diverge v.分叉,岔开;分歧







       first-degree murder一级谋杀罪

       flick v.(用轻而快的动作)移动某物




       get at v.意指,暗指








       lay sb. out打晕某人


       mix up v.混淆













       quote v.引用,引述,引证(他人的语言或者文字)



       reform改造,改良n. improvement

       ridicule v.嘲弄,戏弄,嘲笑、


       shred n.细条,碎片



       spill v.流出,溢出,洒出

       stab v.戳(某物)刺伤(某人)


       switch v.(使某事物)转变或改变(尤指突然)





       verdict n.裁断,裁决,裁定judgment,decision




       yell v.号叫,喊叫,叫喊scream



       acquittal n.无罪开释

       after all 毕竟

       alibi 为……辩解 证明不在犯罪现场

       angle 角度

       at the top of one's lungs: as loudly as one could

       arrogance 傲慢态度 自大


       bear 承受

       blunder 大错

       brand-new 暂新的

       bunch 串,束 一群人

       chain-locked: locked by a chain

       commonplace 寻常事,老生常谈,普通的东西; 平凡的,普通的

       commotion n. 骚动, 暴乱 医 震荡

       constructive a. 建设性的, 构造上的 医 构成的 经 建设的, 推定的

       courtroom n. 法庭, 审判室 法 法庭, 审判室

       detective n. 侦探 a. 侦探的 法 侦探

       diagram 图表; 图解

       display n. 显示, 陈列, 炫耀, 显示器vt. 陈列, 显示, 表现, 夸示计 显示器; 显示

       dye n. 颜料, 染料vt. 染, 染色vi. 被着色化 染料医 染剂, 染料

       be entietled to:to have the right to

       executioner n. 刽子手法 死刑执行人, 刽子手, 行刑者

       eyeglasses 眼镜

       eyesight 视力

       fairy 精灵 仙女

       far-sighted 远视

       footstep n. 脚步, 脚步声, 足迹

       frankly 坦白地说

       hallway 门厅;穿堂;走廊

       in favor of 赞同, 有利于

       inexpensive 便宜的 cheap

       injusticen. 不公平, 非正义的行为法 不公正, 不公平, 权利侵害

       intimidate vt. 威胁, 恐吓

       lousy 污秽的 恶心的

       lunge n. 刺, 刺进, 跃进, 套马索vt. 突进, 刺vi. 突进, 刺

       makeup 化妆品

       object 反对

       obscure 模糊的 昏暗的

       petty 琐碎的 小规模的

       prejudice n. 偏见, 成见, 侵害vt. 使存偏见, 使有成见, 侵害法 偏见, 成见, 损害


       recreate 再创造

       remarkable a. 不平常的, 值得注意的, 显著的

       sadist n. 虐待狂者法 性虐待狂者, 虐待狂者

       scarlet 绯红色 猩红色

       self-appointed a. 自己任命的

       slob n. 泥, 软泥, 粗俗平庸的人

       stamp 顿足

       stick out (使)突出, (非正式)明显, 醒目

       stress n. 压力, 紧迫, 强调

       sunglasses n. 太阳镜, 墨镜, 太阳眼镜

       sweat 汗水

       take the cake 成为最佳者, 得奖

       testify vt. 证明, 作证, 声明, 表明vi. 证明, 作证, 声明, 表明法 证明, 表明, 作证

       trot n. 快步vi. 快步走, 小跑 vt. 使小跑, 策马小跑

       underhand a. 秘密的, 低手的, 偷偷摸摸的法 卑鄙的, 秘密的, 欺诈的

       unshakable a. 不可动摇的, 坚定不移的

       witness-chair :证人席

       yak n. 牦牛, 饶舌, 连篇废话vi. 饶舌, 喋喋不休, 放声大笑



       arouse v.激起 引起 唤起

       as for 至于 关于

       association n.联想

       bachelor n.单身汉 (B-)学士(学位)

       betray v.泄露(信息或情感)

       bubble with 洋溢着(某种感情)

       buzz v.发出嗡嗡声

       chatty a.健谈的

       on the contrary 恰恰相反

       count on phr.v.依靠

       curiosity n.好奇心 求知欲

       detachment n.公正 客观 超然 冷静

       disclosure n.泄露 揭露 公开

       distraction n.分心 使人分心的事物

       due n.权利 应得物

       embankment n.堤防

       evidently ad.明显地 显然地

       exception n.例外

       flinch v.退缩 畏缩

       gather v.推断 推测 理解

       hairbrush n.发刷

       heighten v.(使)加强 提高

       hence ad.因此 所以

       in so far as 至于

       in the event of 万一 倘若

       infallibly ad.绝对可靠地 万无一失地

       infringement n.违背 触犯(法规)

       languid a.无力的 疲倦的 懒散的

       leather n.皮革

       mild a.温和的 和善的

       nettle v.使烦恼 使生气 激怒

       occupant n.占有者 使用人

       occurrence n.发生的事情

       pitch v.用力扔 投 掷

       postage n.邮资 邮费

       pratical joke 恶作剧

       prayer n.祷告 祷文

       prosperous a.繁荣的 成功的 兴旺的

       railings n.扶手 栏杆

       raw a.生的 未煮过的

       reaction n.反应 回应

       recollection n.记忆力 回忆

       reflect v.思考 沉思 反思

       refreshment n.恢复活力 焕发精神

       remark v.谈论 评论

       resent v.愤恨

       rob v.抢劫

       on a large scale 大规模地

       sensational a.轰动的 引起哗然的

       snap back 反驳说

       sociable a.好交际的 合群的

       somewhat ad.稍微 有点儿

       tact n.老练 圆滑 机智

       be taken aback 使…大吃一惊

       tempt v.引诱 诱惑

       trivial a.微不足道的

       troublesome a.麻烦的

       turnip n.萝卜

       well-to-do a.小康的 富有的

       be worked up to 激起的 兴奋的 激怒的

       Proper Names


































       in this regard在这点上
















       Astound 使震惊

       barbarian 野蛮人

       beak 鸟嘴

       beast 四腿动物

       bosom 胸部

       bound 跳动

       champagne 香槟

       coachman 马车夫

       decorate 装修

       dill 小茴香

       dreamy 幻想的

       egoist 利己主义者

       exasperate 激怒


       grimace 痛苦的表情

       haunt 出没,萦绕

       hint 暗示

       hover 飞翔,盘旋

       indecision 优柔

       informal 不正式的

       infuriate 使大怒

       loathe 厌倦

       luxury 奢侈品

       maniac 狂躁者

       melancholy 犹豫的

       moan 呻吟声

       mockery 嘲弄

       mournful 悲哀的

       mysteriously 神秘的

       pagoda 宝塔

       parrot 鹦鹉

       peel 削皮

       perfume 香水

       pickle 泡菜

       prick(up) 竖起耳朵

       purr 猫的咕噜声

       scrape 擦,刮

       self-engrossed 以自我为中心的

       settle 了结决定

       slumber 睡觉


       thunder-struck 震惊的

       unfold 展开,打开

       veil 面罩

       velvet 天鹅绒的

       verbena 美人樱

       wasp 黄蜂

















































       page boy
















       Shah of Persia



       storage jar






       Proper Names














































































       Proper Names





       band together


       branch out


       by far



















       get (sth) across









       lion's share






















       Proper Names

       Martin Luther King, Jr.

       Tom Sawyer

       字数太多了 13 14 15课的写不下了……要是要的话 可以把邮箱给我 我给你发过去



       fishing的读音是:英['f]。fishing的详尽释义是n.(名词)钓鱼,捕鱼渔场,捕鱼场所试探渔业,捕鱼业捕鱼权鱼尾接口打捞渔网渔民鱼汛期钓具。fishing的例句是用作名词(n.)Fishing is his favorite relaxation.他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。



       Noun:the act of someone who fishes as a diversion

       the occupation of catching fish for a living


       1. 垂钓:澳大利亚海豹湾(Seal Bay)海狮栖息区的海狮数量,占全球海狮数量的百分之十. 参加众多旅游公司包括(4WD)的旅游活动畅游袋鼠岛. 此外,袋鼠岛也提供潜水(diving)、骑马、垂钓(fishing)及进行丛林漫步等活动.


       Fishing is his favorite relaxation.


       This is one of the world's best fishing grounds.


       The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.



       fishing rod钓杆fishing line钓丝fishing tackle钓鱼用具coarse fishing捕淡水鱼fishing expedition审前盘问(或调查)非...fly-fish用假蝇钓鱼fly-fishing用假蝇钓鱼flirty-fishing引诱人入教的手腕...fish鱼fishing light捕鱼灯fishing season渔汛期bottom fishing水底捕鱼法fishing gear钓鱼用具fishing pole鱼杆fishing reef鱼礁fishing fleet渔船队fishing ground渔场fishing net渔网fishing operation渔捞作业fishing zone渔业区fishing的相关临近词

       Fishel、fish、fish arrow、fish chair、fish sound、fish odour、fish yield、fish story、fish twine、fish balls、fish drugs、fish molds




       英 [w?n]

       美 [w?n]




       1 纽约地铁1号线;1 (披头士专辑);1 (B1A4专辑)

       Route 1 香港1号干线;首都高速1号羽田线;国道1号 (冰岛)

       远征1 Expedition 1;Expédition 1;第1次长期滞在




       2 纽约地铁2号线;2年;扑克牌

       Crysis 2 孤岛危机;末日之战2;末日之战

       Shrek 2 史瑞克2;怪物史莱克;史瑞克




       3 纽约地铁3号线;3年;三人行不行 (歌曲)

       Fallout 3 辐射;辐射3;异尘馀生

       Dirt 3 尘埃;尘埃3;科林麦克雷拉力赛之尘埃




       4 纽约地铁4号线;4年;扑克牌

       Socket 4 Socket 4;Socket 4

       NGC 4 NGC 4;NGC 4




       5 纽约地铁5号线;5 (FIVE);5 (专辑)

       Shocking 5 SHOCKING 5;Shocking 5;惊喜5动

       NGC 5 NGC 5;NGC 5




       6 纽约地铁6号线;6年;纽约地铁6号线

       HD 6 HD 6;HD 6

       Apollo 6 阿波罗6号




       7 纽约地铁7号线;7年;纽约地铁法兰克林大道接驳线

       IOS 7 iOS 7;IOS 7

       Apollo 7 阿波罗7号


       英 [eit]

       美 [eit]




       8 8年;多聚甲醛;机动战士GUNDAM SEED系列角色列表

       April 8 4月8日;四月初八;月8日

       Windows 8 Windows 8;Windows 8;视窗




       9 机器人9号;9年;扑克牌

       Falcon 9 猎鹰9号运载火箭;猎鹰9号;猎鹰

       June 9 6月9日;6月9日;陆月玖日




       10 10年;纽约地铁M线;铜

       Ben 10 少年骇客;地球保卫者

       chromosome 10 10号染色体;10号染色体;号染色体


       南极洲的英文是 "Antarctica".

       "Antarctica" 的解析如下:





       n. 南极洲


       "Antarctica" 是地球上的一个大陆,位于南极圈内,是全球最寒冷、最干燥的地区,也是世界上最大的冰盖覆盖的地区。南极洲几乎全年被冰雪覆盖,几乎没有常住居民,但是吸引着科学家和探险家前往进行研究和考察。


       1. Many scientists conduct research in Antarctica to study its unique ecosystem.(许多科学家在南极洲进行研究,以研究其独特的生态系统。)

       2. The icy landscapes of Antarctica are breathtakingly beautiful.(南极洲的冰雪景观令人叹为观止。)

       3. Penguins are one of the iconic animals found in Antarctica.(企鹅是南极洲的标志性动物之一。)

       4. Expeditions to Antarctica require careful planning and preparation due to its extreme conditions.(由于南极洲的极端条件,对南极洲的考察需要进行仔细的计划和准备。)


       - Antarctic continent: 南极洲大陆

       - Antarctic research: 南极洲研究

       - Antarctic Treaty: 南极条约

       - Antarctic Peninsula: 南极半岛

以上就是关于 "南极洲" 的英语表达。





       Noun:a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war;"Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"

       "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement"

       the act of fighting; any contest or struggle;"a fight broke out at the hockey game"

       "there was fighting in the streets"

       "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"

       an aggressive willingness to compete;"the team was full of fight"

       an intense verbal dispute;"a violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate"

       a boxing or wrestling match;"the fight was on television last night"

       Verb:be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight;"the tribesmen fought each other"

       "Siblings are always fighting"

       "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"

       fight against or resist strongly;"The senator said he would oppose the bill"

       "Don't fight it!"

       make a strenuous or labored effort;"She struggled for years to survive without welfare"

       "He fought for breath"

       exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;"The liberal party pushed for reforms"

       "She is crusading for women's rights"

       "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"



       If youfight something unpleasant, you try in a determined way to prevent it or stop it happening.


       e.g. Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty...


       e.g. More units tofight forest fires are planned...



       If youfight for something, you try in a determined way to get it or achieve it.

       e.g. Our Government should be fighting for an end to food subsidies...


       e.g. Lee had tofight hard for his place on the expedition...



       If an army or groupfights a battle with another army or group, they oppose each other with weapons. You can also say that two armies or groupsfight a battle.


       e.g. The two men fought a battle over land and water rights...


       e.g. In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them...



       If a person or armyfights in a battle or a war, they take part in it.


       e.g. He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans...


       e.g. If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison thanfight for this country...



       More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.


       If one personfights with another, orfights them, the two people hit or kick each other because they want to hurt each other. You can also say that two peoplefight .

       e.g. As a child she fought with her younger sister...


       e.g. I didfight him, I punched him but it was like hitting a wall...



       If one personfights with another, orfights them, they have an angry disagreement or quarrel. You can also say that two peoplefight .

       e.g. She was always arguing with him and fighting with him...


       e.g. Gwendolen started fighting her teachers...



       If youfight your way to a place, you move towards it with great difficulty, for example because there are a lot of people or obstacles in your way.

       e.g. I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed...


       e.g. Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens.



       Afight is a boxing match.

       e.g. This was Hyer's lastfight, for no one else challenged him...


       e.g. The referee stopped thefight.



       Tofight means to take part in a boxing match.


       e.g. In a few hours' time one of the world's most famous boxers will be fighting in Britain for the first time...


       e.g. I'd like tofight him because he's undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him...



       If youfight an election, you are a candidate in the election and try to win it.

       e.g. The former party treasurer helped raise almost £40 million tofight the election campaign.

       该党的前任财政部长帮助筹集了近 4,000 万英镑用于竞选。


       You can usefight to refer to a contest such as an election or a sports match.

       e.g. ...thefight for power between the two parties.



       If youfight a case or a court action, you make a legal case against someone in a very determined way, or you put forward a defence when a legal case is made against you.

       e.g. Watkins sued the Army and fought his case in various courts for 10 years...

       沃特金斯将军队诉至法院,并在各级法庭打了 10 年的官司。

       e.g. The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress.



       Fight is the desire or ability to keep fighting.

       e.g. I thought that we had a lot offight in us.



       If youfight an emotion or desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it, but do not always succeed.

       e.g. I desperately fought the urge to giggle...


       e.g. He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he'd given up awhile ago...



       If youfight for breath, you try to breathe but find it very difficult.


       If you have afighting chance of doing or achieving something, it is possible that you will do or achieve it, but only if you make a great effort or are very lucky.

       e.g. When they didn't shoot at me right away, I figured I had a fighting chance.



       If you describe someone asfighting fit, you are emphasizing that they are very fit or healthy.


       e.g. After a good night's sleep I feel fighting fit again.



       Someone whois fighting for theirlife is making a great effort to stay alive, either when they are being physically attacked or when they are very ill.


       e.g. He is still fighting for his life in hospital.


       19. tofight a losing battle -> see battle

       20. fight to the finish -> see finish

       21. . tofight fire with fire -> see fire

       22. . tofight shy -> see shy


       If youfight back against someone or something that is attacking or harming you, you resist them actively or attack them.

       e.g. The teenage attackers fled when the two men fought back...


       e.g. We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system tofight back against corruption.



       If youfight back an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it.


       e.g. She fought back the tears.



       If youfight down an emotion or a desire, you try very hard not to feel it, show it, or act on it.


       e.g. Meg fought down the desire to run...


       e.g. He looked at the telephone, fighting down first the despair and then the anger.



       If youfight off something, for example an illness or an unpleasant feeling, you succeed in getting rid of it and in not letting it overcome you.

       e.g. Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability tofight off infection...


       e.g. All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.



       If youfight off someone who has attacked you, you fight with them, and succeed in making them go away or stop attacking you.

       e.g. The woman fought off the attacker.



       If two people or groupsfight somethingout, they fight or argue until one of them wins.

       e.g. Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates tofight it out...


       e.g. Malcolm continued tofight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.


       相关词组:fight backfight downfight offfight out


       After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.


       Armed with raincoat and flashlight, he joined in the fight against the flood.


       Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on Wednesday?


       All the fight seemed to go out of him.


       The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.


       The boxer has fought many opponents.


       We must band together to fight the common enemy.

       我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。

       Melinda Gates says there is work now to bring a new drug to India and Bangladesh to fight what is known as black fever.


       She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted.


       Let us unite to fight poverty and dise
