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ysladmin 2024-06-08
本田elevate中文叫什么_本田element中文叫什么       对于本田elevate中文叫什么的问题,我有些许经验和知识储备。希望我的回答能够为您提供一些启示和帮助。1.raise是什么意思中文2.英语



2.英语Power-ups to boost you upward怎么翻译?








       音标:英 [re?z]? 美 [re?z]


       v. 提升;举起;提起;(使)直立,站立;增加,提高(数量、水平等) n. 高地;上升;加薪?


       第三人称单数:? raises 现在分词:? raising 过去式:? raised 过去分词:? raised


       例1:He raised his hand to wave. ?




       1、raise? v. ?提起,提高 ?

       〔辨析〕? 及物动词,主语通常为人、机构等,既指抬起或举起具体事物,也指提高数量、水平、价格、质量等,常包含人为因素。 ?

       用法:He raised his hat and walked away.


       2、?rise? v. ?升高,上升 ?

       〔辨析〕? 不及物动词,主语通常为事物,既指水位、地势等升高,也指数量、价值、地位等提高,通常不包含人为因素。

       用法:The sun rises in the east.


       3、 lift? v. ?举起,抬起 ?

       〔辨析〕? 指用体力或机械将人或事物举起;也指抬起某一身体部位。

       用法:The crane lifted the container onto the truck.

       译文:吊车把集装箱吊运到卡车上。 ?

4、elevate? v. ?[正式]举起,提升 ?

       〔辨析〕? 指将人或物抬高、举高,也可引申指提高地位或职位。

       用法:Gradually elevate the patient into an upright position.?


5、 hoist? v. ?把…吊起,升起 ?

       〔辨析〕? 常指用绳索、起重机等把某物升起。

       用法:The sailors hoisted the flags in the morning.

       译文: 水手们早晨升起了旗帜。

       6、? raise? v. ?举起,抬起 ?

       〔辨析〕? 常指用体力将某事物抬高或举高;也指抬起眼睛、头或脸以向上看。

英语Power-ups to boost you upward怎么翻译?

       rise?和?raise?都有?move upward?抬起,向上的一个意思。所以很多人会搞混淆。

       1、最大的区别是结构:raise?的结构是: ?S + V + O ?(主+谓+宾);rise?的结构是: S + V ?(主+谓)。举例:

       I raise my hand.?我举手。

       The sun rises. ?太阳升起。




       The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. (太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。)

       The first thing that we did when we conquered the town was to haul down the enemy's flag and raise our own. (我们占领这座城市以后以后所做的第一件事就是降下城里敌人的旗帜,升起我们自己的旗帜。)



       1、The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices. (薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。)

       2、He got a raise in monthly wages. (他的月薪增加了。)

       3、I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. (我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。)

       4、Experts say the figures for divorce are on the rise. (专家称,离婚数量在增加。)


       1、Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.?基督徒坚信耶稣又活了。

       2、He claimed that he could raise people from the dead.?他表示他可以让人起死回生。



百度百科-Raise (Raise)



       英语Power-ups to boost you upward翻译成中文是:“给自己通电,让自己更上一层楼”。













       boost price?提高价格

       boost spirit?激励士气

       boost up?托起,支援

       give a boost?托一把

       big boost?巨大的促进

       great boost?巨大的促进





















       英音 [ bu:st ] ; 美音 [ bust ]


       1. 增加,提高,促进

       2. 吹捧,大肆宣传


       1.[singular] 激励,鼓舞;增加,改进



       同义词:encourage,further,advance,promote;advance,supercharge;encouragement;hike,hike up;cost increase,hike,rise。









       leg中文意思是腿; 支柱,支架; 裤腿; 一段赛程。


       1. N-COUNT 腿

       A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on.

       He was tapping his walking stick against his leg.



       Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.


       ...a large four-legged animal.


       2. N-COUNT (裤)腿

       The legs of a pair of trousers are the parts that cover your legs.

       He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.


       3. N-COUNT (供食用动物的)腿肉

       A leg of lamb, pork, chicken, or other meat is a piece of meat that consists of the animal's or bird's leg, especially the thigh.

       ...a chicken leg.


       ...a leg of mutton.


       4. N-COUNT (桌、椅等家具的)腿,脚

       The legs of a table, chair, or other piece of furniture are the parts that rest on the floor and support the furniture's weight.

       His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair...


       The teak table has fluted legs.



       ...a three-legged stool.


       ...an ancient Guatemalan bow-legged table.


       5. N-COUNT 一段路程;一段旅程

       A leg of a long journey is one part of it, usually between two points where you stop.

       The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya.


       6. N-COUNT (系列赛中的)一场,一轮,一段

       A leg of a sports competition is one of a series of games that are played to find an overall winner.

       The first round of the cup was decided over two legs...


       They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers.


       7. PHRASE 快跑;(尤指)逃开

       If you leg it, you run very quickly, usually in order to escape from someone.

       We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-fi...


       He was now to be seen legging it across the field.


       8. PHRASE 大势已去;玩儿完;没戏

       If you say that something or someone is on their last legs, you mean that the period of time when they were successful or strong is ending.

       This relationship is on its last legs.


       9. PHRASE 戏弄;捉弄

       If you are pulling someone's leg, you are teasing them by telling them something shocking or worrying as a joke.

       Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.


       10. PHRASE 能够证实/无法证实;站得住脚/站不住脚

       If you say that someone does not have a leg to stand on, or hasn't got a leg to stand on, you mean that a statement or claim they have made cannot be justified or proved.

       It's only my word against his, I know. So I don't have a leg to stand on.


       11. PHRASE 有持久力;有潜力

       If an idea, plan, or activity has legs, it is likely to continue or succeed.

       The American economy still has legs.



       vert, vers=turn 转 subvert 推翻,颠覆。

       在ver前加上字母“a”的时候,aver 变成了一个动词,指断言、确认。当“ver”以veracity的形式出现时,那么显而易见是表示真实的情况,或者表示品性上是诚实的。

       1、We have total confidence in the veracity of our research.


       2、We haven’t been able to check the veracity of most of his story, but we know he wasn’t at the hotel that night.




       词根 词根解释 例词

       ache=ache 痛 earache 耳痛

       ag=do, act 做,动 agent 代理人

       agri, agro=agricultural 农业的 agriculture 农业,农艺

       ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的

       astro, aster=star 星 astronomy 天文学

       audi, audit=hear 听 audible 听得见的

       bell=war 战争 rebellion 反叛,反抗






       I was promoted to editor and then editorial director



       1、promote作“提升为?”“使升入?”解时多指按常规次序递进。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接“(to be+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, promote常与介词to连用,此时通常用于被动结构。








       中文释义:adj. 促销的;增进的;奖励的


       You will find I have a few notes of some promotional advertising, be nonsense.




       中文释义:n. 提升,[劳经] 晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,振兴


       This is about my promotion, not his work ethic.

