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fresh start 课后答案_fresh start 课后答案及题目

ysladmin 2024-06-17
fresh start 课后答案_fresh start 课后答案及题目       fresh start 课后答案是一个非常复杂和重要的话题,需要深入研究和思考。我将尽力为您提供相关的信息和建议。1.fresh光之美少女急求回答以下问
fresh start 课后答案_fresh start 课后答案及题目

       fresh start 课后答案是一个非常复杂和重要的话题,需要深入研究和思考。我将尽力为您提供相关的信息和建议。


2.新编实用英语综合教程2》课后习题答案? 5-8单元

3.fresh start什么意思

fresh start 课后答案_fresh start 课后答案及题目



       B. 让周遭物品飘浮、减低敌人的力量、能中止纳克美克的机能(参见Fresh光之美少女第4话)




       B. 提拉米蘇(参见Fresh光之美少女第1话)

新编实用英语综合教程2》课后习题答案? 5-8单元

       make a fresh start


       英 [meik ? fre? stɑ:t]美 [mek e fr? stɑrt]

       重新做,白手起家; 改弦更张; 重起炉灶; 更张


       1. The company seemed set to make a fresh start under a new broom.



       2. When he came out of prison , he decided to make a fresh start.

       他出狱后, 决心重新做人.


       3. He insisted that we should make a fresh start.



       4. This life is too hard . I need to make a fresh start.



       5. I really don't know how and where do make a fresh start!


fresh start什么意思

       只有一点,我书上是全的,但没整理 我不是专业发答案的,自己为了看向老师要书抄的而已 教程1的答案已经删除 选词填空 一单元 1.but in this instand 2.often present 3.we thanked our hostess 4.comments were appropriate 5.did't invent 6.have to entertain 7.very explicit 8.can identify 三单元 1. be aburden 2. new advances 3. felt lonely 4. music is invisible 5. forgot to insert 6. queen's attendents 7. often pets 8.large chain 9.is preferable 10.50 on deposit 11.was interrupted 12. Evidently, 四单元 1. of accommodation 2. to the entrance 3.but his residence 4.the services are 5. read the instructions 6.An additional 7.i must apologize 8. lot of inconvenience 9.soon comfortably 10.are available 五单元 1.try to project 2. the parests announced 3. ,he deposited 4. the boy suspiciously 5. ,whereupon he 6. without permission 7. so rotten 8. made a scene 9. refrain 10. too embarrassed 翻译题 三单元 1. Please dial home and tell them i am on the way to the company 2. Since then there was never been any setback in production 3. i saw him insert the key into the lock 4. i suggest that you make a deposit at the bank 5. Yesterday Mr.wang checked out from that hotel . 四单元 1. In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110. 2. The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus. 3. The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room. 4. Upon departure, please switch off / turn off the air-conditioner. 5. If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the resident manager. 五单元 1. I'm afraid these shoes are not available in your size . 2. Can you smell whether the milk is fresh or not ? 3. He was caught by the policeman pointing a gun at his manager . 4. Jack has a strong idea to succeed in the negotiation . 5. Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition . 改错题 三单元 1. would buy → bought / shold buy / were to buy 2. smoke → shouldn't smoke / should not smoke 3. must → would / could / should 4.may → should 5.would have → had 6.was promoted → should be promoted 7. did't → hadn't left 8.could buy → could have bought 9.taught → had taught 10.work → worked 四单元 1. which →that 2.that →which 3.who →whom 4.which →where 5.who → that 6.which → that 7.which → why 8. whom → that 9.critisms 后面加as 10.that → which 五单元 1. He made a note of it in case he might forget. 2. If she had really wanted to see me, she would have come earlier. 3. Because there were no buses, we had to walk home. 4. As soon as I took my seat, the concert started. 5. Though I have never read the novel, I heard the story in my childhood. 6.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 7. You’ll be late unless you leave at once. 8.Lest anyone should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true. 9.This shirt is still dirty even though / though I’ve washed it twice. 10.Before you know it, your children will have grown up. 单词短语填空 元 C E A D B F 三单元 1 speak 2. where is he 3. might be with 4. leave a message 5. call me 6. 667-3452 7. welcome 四单元 1. date 2. staying 3. a week 4. a room 5. charge 6. hotel cost 7. deposit 8. before 补全对话 三单元 1. Hello , May i speak to Mr. Smith please 2.Yes , please , tell hime to call the director's office , the number is 864-3509 3. It would be best if he cold call this afternoon , at about 2 o'clock 4. thanks a lot P39-3 1. Hello 2. i am sorry , but he is not in at the moment , would you like to leave a message ? 3. i 'll tell her as soon as he is back 4. You're welcome . 四单元 1. I have a reservation with you. 2. May I have a look at your passport? 3. Would you please fill out the registration form? 4. Here is the key card to Room 5012. 5. The bell-man will show you the way. Page 57/3 1. I would like to check out. 2. You checked in three days ago. 3. How much is the rate / rent per night? 4. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card? 5. Here is the change, $23. 五单元 1. But i haven't got a menu yet 2. I would like to try some western food 3. i would like to have a roast beef , a vegetable salad and French 4. A glass of beer , please . 5. What do you have for desert ? 6. i'll take it P76-3 1. what sort of beer do you have ? 2. Would you please recommend me a mild one ? 3. Bring me a QingDao beer . 4. It doen't taste good 5. I think that's enough , thank you

       fresh start

       [词典] 重新开始;

       [网络] 新开始; 新起点; 全新开始;

       [例句]I need a new challenge and a fresh start somewhere else.


       好了,今天关于“fresh start 课后答案”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“fresh start 课后答案”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。