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amd fusion for_1

ysladmin 2024-06-14
amd fusion for       谢谢大家对amd fusion for问题集合的提问。作为一个对此领域感兴趣的人,我期待着和大家分享我的见解和解答各个
amd fusion for

       谢谢大家对amd fusion for问题集合的提问。作为一个对此领域感兴趣的人,我期待着和大家分享我的见解和解答各个问题,希望能对大家有所帮助。

1.amd 羿龙iix4 940的性能和兼容性怎么样?



amd fusion for

amd 羿龙iix4 940的性能和兼容性怎么样?

       酷睿i7 920和羿龙II X4 940各自有自己的优势项目,如果单纯计算它们各自胜出的游戏数量,羿龙II X4 940更多,当然大多属于小幅领先。综合评定两者的表现,虽然同为四核处理器,但羿龙II X4 940具有更高的主频,因此对于大多数游戏的性能发挥更有好处。


        先来分析购置整套平台的情况。就处理器本身而言,羿龙II X4 940本身就有更优的价格体现,这点我们在开文就提到了,它的价格不到1600元,而酷睿i7 920虽然已经是相对性价比最高的一款处理器,价格也要2000元出头,单单处理器就已经有400多元的差价,这足以让玩家考虑用省下的钱去购买更高档的显卡来更直接的增强游戏性能。

        这还仅是处理器的价格差别,不要忘记还有两个关键因素,那就是匹配处理器必须考量的主板和内存价格。主板方面,目前支持酷睿i7处理器的仅有X58主板,作为Intel最顶级的主板产品,价格自然“高位运行”。我们姑且都以微星的产品为例,价格最低的微星X58主板也要1599元,而同样是微星的790GX主板,价格只要799元,这一笔投资上又有了800元的差距,羿龙II X4 940的价格优势增加到1200元左右。

        最后是内存,因为集成了DDR3内存控制器,所以酷睿i7 920只能搭配DDR3内存,而羿龙II X4 940则继续使用DDR2内存。目前DDR3内存价格依然几乎两倍于DDR2内存,因此在内存投资上,羿龙II X4 940也会具有几百元的价格优势,具体有多大,要取决于你购买的内存容量,越大自然差价也越大。

        购买成本分析完毕后,不难发现羿龙II X4 940显然是个能让更多玩家较为轻松拥有的选择,这倒是符合AMD在发布羿龙II时宣称将其定位为大多数人买得起的高档产品的原则。而且羿龙II X4 940作为黑盒版产品,还具有不锁倍频的优势,游戏玩家可以通过OverDrive软件轻松、方便、安全地大幅超频,获得更大的性能提升。除此之外,羿龙II X4 940还可以发挥AMD 3A平台整体的优势,具有很好的兼容性、稳定性和软件支持。特别是对游戏方面的支持,AMD为玩家提供了诸如AMD Fusion for Gameing这样的软件工具,它可以一键优化平台的游戏性能(玩家只需要在玩游戏前单击一下桌面中的“Fuison”按键,软件就会自动检测不相关的系统应用程序和进程,把它们暂时关闭,释放更多的系统资源给游戏程序运行。而在运行其他任务时,用户可以点击“恢复”,到正常的运行模式,整个操作过程非常简单、直观。同时这款软件并不会关闭“可能引起系统不稳定、不安全”的进程,当然也不会关闭反病毒进程)。通过利用Fusion for Gaming应用软件,玩家至少可以获得2-5%的性能提升。可以说,Fusion for Gaming是一款非常有趣,也非常实用的游戏优化软件,而且还是以款完全免费的软件。。

        应该说酷睿i7 920的游戏性能同样非常不错,但是购买成本问题可能导致很多玩家感到难以接受。当然,这其中不包括那些对1500元至2500元差价并不在意的消费者,至于你是否属于其中一员,那很可能也就决定了你的选择。



       [::艾泽拉斯国家地理 BBS.NGACN.CC::]


       原帖地址.cc/read.php?tid=2664641&fpage=1[戒律PVP] [国服3.13]戒律牧师竞技场进阶全方位指南 ] 中的2.2部分也分享了几个不错的宏。


       Shackles a DK's Gargoyle if one is up. It's worth noting that if you play with an Unholy DK and his Gargoyle is up at the same time, it will target the nearest Gargoyle which may cause some problems of it's own. However until they fix the targeting problem, this is all we got.

       #showtooltip Shackle Undead

       /target Ebon Gargoyle

       /cast Shackle Undead




       #showtooltip 束缚亡灵

       /target 石像鬼

       /cast 束缚亡灵



       Dispersion and Out in One Button

       Press Once to cast Dispersion. Hold Alt and Press to Cancel Dispersion. Remove the [modifier:alt] from the second line if you would simply like to remove Dispersion with a second click.

       #showtooltip Dispersion

       /cancelaura [modifier:alt] Dispersion

       /cast Dispersion



       #showtooltip 消散

       /cancelaura [modifier:alt] 消散

       /cast 消散



       #showtooltip 消散

       /cancelaura 消散

       /cast 消散


       Power Infusion

       For quick Power Infusions. Put the team mate you will be using PI on in place of the TEAMMATE text. Hold alt and press the macro to PI yourself. Pressing it normally will cast it on the party member you have designated.

       /cast [modifier:alt,target=player][target=TEAMMATE] Power Infusion



       /cast [modifier:alt,target=player][target=你队友的名字] 能量灌注


       Spam Mass Dispel without losing targetting circle

       This is for those, who want to spam the Mass Dispel button without losing the green targetting circle. Normally hitting the Mass Dispel button twice will get rid of the green circle, losing precious time when Mass Dispelling an Iceblock/Shield.

       #showtooltip Mass Dispel

       /cast !Mass Dispel



       #showtooltip 群体驱散

       /cast !群体驱散


       Shield Self Expanded

       Shield yourself if you have no target or a hostile target. If you have a friendly target you will shield the friendly target.

       /cast [help,target=target] Power Word: Shield

       /cast [target=player] Power Word: Shield



       /cast [help,target=target] 真言术:盾

       /cast [target=player] 真言术:盾


       Flash Heal Mouseover

       Casts flash heal on the target under your mouse without losing your current target.

       /cast [target=mouseover] Flash Heal



       /cast [target=mouseover] 快速治疗


       Mind Blast/Shadow Word:Pain

       First Click Mind Blasts the target. Second click casts Shadow Word:Pain. The sequence is reset if you leave combat or you change targets.

       /castsequence reset=combat/target Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain

       第一次点击,施放心灵震爆,第二次点击,上痛。两个技能的顺序会在离开战斗或者切换目标的时候重置。(编者注:这个宏实际上也是鬼子用来充数的,用了这个宏不过是省了你在转集火的时候换个手指头按痛而已,在接火的时候,反而需要先上痛进入战斗,防闷。另外就是我们要学会使用/castsequence reset=combat/target 命令,这样就可以根据自己的需要编写适合自己的宏了。你也可以把痛改成灭,心爆接灭是一个牧师的相对高DPS技能组合,并且心爆和灭都是有CD的,如此一来就形成一个瞬间提升DPS的输出宏。)


       /castsequence reset=combat/target 心灵震爆, 暗言术:痛


       Shadow Form Healing

       First click pops you out of Shadow Form and flash heals. Second click puts you back in Shadow Form.

       /castsequence Flash Heal, Shadowform



       /castsequence 快速治疗, 暗影形态


       Silence Focus

       Stops casting your current spell and Silences your focus target if you have one. Otherwise it will cast Silence normally on your target.

       #showtooltip Silence


       /cast [target=focus,exists,harm,nodead] Silence; Silence



       /cast [target=focus,exists,harm,nodead] 沉默; 沉默


       Dispel Magic Mouseover

       Dispel Magic on mouseover target if you have one, otherwise it will cast Dispel Magic normally.

       #showtooltip Dispel Magic

       /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic



       /cast [target=mouseover,exists] 驱散魔法; 驱散魔法


       Will Dispel Magic on your target if pressed normally, holding shift and pressing will Dispel your Focus target.

       #showtooltip Dispel Magic

       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Dispel Magic

       /cast [target=target,nomodifier] Dispel Magic



       #showtooltip 驱散魔法

       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] 驱散魔法

       /cast [target=target,nomodifier] 驱散魔法


       Failsafe Shadow Word: Death

       This macro will stop whatever you may be casting at the time and cast Shadow Word: Death immediately

       #showtooltip Shadow Word: Death


       /cast Shadow Word: Death



       #showtooltip 暗言术:灭


       /cast 暗言术:灭


       Failsafe Shadow Word: Death with Focus modifier

       This macro will stop whatever you may be casting at the time and cast Shadow Word: Death immediately. If you use 'shift' when pressing this macro it will SW: D your focus target. Great for Mage sheeps.

       #showtooltip Shadow Word: Death


       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Shadow Word: Death; Shadow Word: Death



       #showtooltip 暗言术:灭


       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] 暗言术:灭; 暗言术:灭


       Mana Burn Target/Focus

       This will Mana Burn your target when pressed normally and Mana Burn your focus target when used with the 'shift' key.

       #showtooltip Mana Burn

       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Mana Burn

       /cast [target=target,nomodifier] Mana Burn



       #showtooltip 法力燃烧

       /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] 法力燃烧

       /cast [target=target,nomodifier] 法力燃烧


       Mana Burn Focus/Target 2

       This will Mana Burn your focus target if you have a teammate as your target. If you have an enemy targetted it will Mana Burn them. I use this a lot in 2v2. A situation in which it can be clutch is when I'm healing my teammate and the enemy Priest comes into line of sight I can quickly tap this macro and get a Mana Burn off.

       #showtooltip Mana Burn

       /target [help] focus

       /cast Mana Burn



       #showtooltip 法力燃烧

       /target [help] focus

       /cast 法力燃烧


       Mind Flay

       This lets you spam mind flay without reseting it during a channel allowing you to conserve your mana.

       #showtooltip Mind Flay

       /cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay



       #showtooltip 精神鞭笞

       /cast [nochanneling:精神鞭笞] 精神鞭笞


       Shadow Fiend

       This will cast shadowfiend on the current target if it's hostile. If your target is friendly, it will cast it on your target's target (provided it's hostile).

       #showtooltip Shadowfiend

       /cast [nopet,harm][nopet,target=targettarget,harm] Shadowfiend

       /petattack [harm][target=targettarget,harm]



       #showtooltip 暗影恶魔

       /cast [nopet,harm][nopet,target=targettarget,harm] 暗影恶魔

       /petattack [harm][target=targettarget,harm]


       Summon Fiend and Attack

       One button for summoning your shadowfiend and telling it to attack the current target.

       /cast [nopet] Shadowfiend




       /cast [nopet] 暗影恶魔





       wfusimg -

       Fusion of two images



       [XFUS,TXFUS,TX1,TX2] =




       The principle of image fusion using wavelets is to merge the wavelet decompositions of the two original images using fusion methods applied to approximations coefficients and details coefficients (see Zeeuw and Misiti et al.).

       XFUS = wfusimg(X1,X2,WNAME,LEVEL,AFUSMETH,DFUSMETH) returns the fused image XFUS obtained by fusion of the two original images X1 and X2. Each fusion method, defined by AFUSMETH and DFUSMETH, merges in a specific way detailed below, the decompositions of X1 and X2, at level LEVEL and using wavelet WNAME.

       AFUSMETH and DFUSMETH define the fusion method for approximations and details, respectively.

       [XFUS,TXFUS,TX1,TX2] = wfusimg(X1,X2,WNAME,LEVEL,AFUSMETH,DFUSMETH) returns, in addition to matrix XFUS, three objects of the class WDECTREE associated with XFUS, X1, and X2 respectively (see @WDECTREE). wfusimg(X1,X2,WNAME,LEVEL,AFUSMETH,DFUSMETH,FLAGPLOT) also plots the objects TXFUS, TX1, and TX2.

       Fusmeth denotes AFUSMETH or DFUSMETH. Available fusion methods are

       Simple — Fusmeth can be 'max', 'min', 'mean', 'img1', 'img2' or 'rand', which merges the two approximations or details structures obtained from X1 and X2 elementwise by taking the maximum, the minimum, the mean, the first element, the second element, or a randomly chosen element

       Parameter-dependent — Fusmeth is of the following form

       Fusmeth = struct('name',nameMETH,'param',paramMETH)

       where nameMETH can be


       'UD_fusion' Up-down fusion

       'DU_fusion' Down-up fusion

       'RL_fusion' Right-left fusion

       'UserDEF' User-defined fusion

       For the description of these options and the paramMETH parameter, see wfusmat.


       X1 and X2 must be of same size (see wextend to resize images) and represent indexed images or truecolor images, which are m-by-n matrices or m-by-n-by-3 arrays, respectively.

       For more information on image formats, see the image and imfinfo reference pages.


       The following three examples examine the process of image fusion

       The first example merges two different images leading to a new image

       The second example restores an image from two fuzzy versions of an original image.

       The third example shows how to make an image fusion using a user defined fusion method.



       各芯片组厂商的南桥名称都有所不同,例如英特尔称之为输出/输入控制器中心(Input/Output Controller Hub,ICH),NVIDIA的称为MCP,ATI的称为IXP/SB。AMD也开始纳入Fusion APU,并给予FCH这个标记,或称Fusion控制器中心,代表其南桥芯片。


       驱动程序一般指的是设备驱动程序(Device Driver),是一种可以使计算机和设备进行相互通信的特殊程序。相当于硬件的接口,操作系统只有通过这个接口,才能控制硬件设备的工作,假如某设备的驱动程序未能正确安装,便不能正常工作





       所以主板芯片组中北桥芯片的数量要远远多于南桥芯片。例如早期英特尔不同架构的芯片组Socket 7的430TX和Slot 1的440LX其南桥芯片都采用82317AB,而近两年的芯片组Intel945系列芯片组都采用ICH7或者ICH7R南桥芯片,但也能搭配ICH6南桥芯片。



       非常高兴能与大家分享这些有关“amd fusion for”的信息。在今天的讨论中,我希望能帮助大家更全面地了解这个主题。感谢大家的参与和聆听,希望这些信息能对大家有所帮助。